A Drive Down Memory Lane
Why did the beautiful and fun
memories hurt so badly
Why did her chest feel
heavy and her stomach in knots
The place where she and
her children had spent
seven years of their lives.
The place where her son
spent his young life
from one year old
through eight years old.
Driving past the many sidewalks
and trail where she had taken
walks alone, walks with
just her son, and walks
together as a family.
Driving past the home
her parents had lived in,
the home she and her kids had lived in,
the second home her parents had lived.
Remembering neighbors she had
chatted with. Remembering
the spread of holiday cheer.
Oh, the pain, the pain.
Why do such wonderful
memories hurt her heart.
Whey does she feel
a sense of loss
no longer living
in this neighborhood.
No longer having
her parents living
in the same neighborhood.
Why does she feel
like nothing turned
out as she had wanted
it to evolve.
Why does she feel
like she has failed
her children in
not providing them
with the same kind
of home that they
loved so much
in their early childhood?
Why does she feel
like she has given up?
Why do the tears flow
in mourning something
that never really was?
She keeps reminding
herself that nothing
is permanent. The
only thing that’s
permanent is change
She reminds herself
that home is truly
where the heart is.
Yet, what if the
heart is closed and
doesn’t want to hear
these things.
What if she reminds
herself that none of
it seems to have gone as
she wanted it to go,
the way she dreamed
for it turn out.
Seems as if she
has been but
a piece of sand
in a vast ocean
of life tossing
her here and there
into this experience
and that expeirence.
She thinks she should
not return to this
place if it is so
paintful …
but then she knows
she must keep returning
until she has felt
all the pain there
is to feel for in
feeling the pain and
being with the pain
loving the pain
embracing the pain
is she assured
of the joy and beauty
that awaits her
on the other side.
She may not have
fully let herself
feel the pain at the time
she and her children
had to leave their
home and neighborhood.
Brushed it under
the heart she did.
Believing she could not feel the pain.
She knows she let herself feel
some of the pain.
Yet, there is more there.
She makes a new
commitment to continue
to visit this neighborhood
until she has let herself
feel every single bit
of greif, guilt, and sadness
there is to feel.
She will feel it, feel the
aches in her chest, feel
the knots in her stomach
feel and taste the salty tears as
they stream down her face.
She reflects back on
these times as some of
the happiest of her
and her childrens lives.
So carefree and joyful.
Doing many things together
as a family, many adventures,
every trip in the car an adventure.
It seems those times are no longer.
Where have they gone? The kids are
no longer kids. One a teenager and
one a pre-teen. Change.
Change is the nature
of life. This season
reminds us always that this
is how it flows. Change.
Why did she grip so tightly
to that time in her life,
in her kids life?
Why does she not want to
let it go? Wy does she
remember it with longing?
Why does she feel lost
in shifting to this
new normal for her
and her kids?
Interests have shifted.
What was fun and exciting
is no longer?
How does she go with the
flow, with the change,
without clinging to the
She does it one breath
at a time. One blink at
at time. One step at a
time. One gratitude
thought at a time.
One act of kindness
at a time. One smile
at a time.
With kindness and
love directed to herself
and her heart.
She does it by observing
and not letting herself
get caught in the spiral
of emotions. Be with them,
feel them, and let them
release to reveal the new
normal. As it will only
be the new normal for a short
time. That is the nature
of life.
For life will support
in whatever stage of
life one finds oneself.
Nature is the Divine’s
Gift to allow one to
experiene change and
the cyclicle nature
of life outside of
oneself, yet still,
it is within as we are
one with nature.
Be still. Feel the emotions.
Let them pass through
like the wind passes
through the autumn leaves.
And know.
This is life.
And we are always
supported and loved.
-2017 Lessons from Nature

See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
Amazing news! My 16 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” is arriving November 2017. Learn more and order here.
Wonderfully exciting news! My 11 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.
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