“The meaningful question is never what we did yesterday, but what we have learned from it and are doing today ….. No one can help with anything like someone who has been through the pain themselves.” – A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson
Mom, Best-Selling Author, Blogger, Writer, Mentor, Photographer, and Inspirational Speaker
I am a ninja improvisor and I do it in a way that makes it seem as if I knew what I was doing all along. Plus, I make it FUN if the occasion calls for it. I have a crazy, insane eye for detail. These two qualities together make for some interesting times!
My number one main and most important “job” is ensuring that I “raise” two beings who live life from a place of loving-kindness, who retain peace and joy as they age and are grounded in the knowing of their given talents so as to share those talents for the benefit of others.
I’m a writer, a poet, and nature lover and am on a journey full of new learning, a journey with fresh eyes, an open heart, and a thirst for discovery … and I share all of this in my writings.
I am a single parent to 13 year old Thomas and 17 year old Lillian. Lillian has a chromosome abnormality simply called 18p-. This means she is missing the short arm of chromosome #18. She is a free spirit with a sparkling smile and eyes to match and she has much to teach us. I’m deeply grateful and blessed that I get to be her Mom.
Her younger brother, Thomas, is amazing and beautiful! He is a wise old soul with a refreshing intelligence. He and his sweet spirit are a joy to be around. Although Thomas has not been officially diagnosed, he struggles with sensory processing issues.
We call ourselves Team TLC to correspond with the first letters of each of our names. We are headed into our fourth year of living-in-a-tiny-home adventure.
I openly share my life and Team TLC’s family life through writing my first book, “D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance”, writing on this blog, The Team TLC blog, and facebook. I’m currently putting together my second book, tentatively titled, “Liberation – Words of Alchemy”.
Head over here to read more about me and Team TLC.
Why do I write and what do I write about?
I feel it is my purpose to openly share my own life experiences with others. Go here to read more about this … “Why I Write”.
What do I “do”?
It’s not in my nature to tell people they are doing something right or wrong, or to teach them how they should or shouldn’t be doing something. Nor, do I dish out tough love. That has never been in sync with my heart.
How can I help you?
Go here to learn more about services I offer and here to learn about the 3 books Team TLC have published.
Please feel free to take your eyes and heart on a walk through my writings. Grab some tea or coffee, get comfy, get quiet, and enjoy yourself. May something you read lift you and inspire an internal shift should this be what you are seeking. xoxo
“Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.” – Anita Moorjani
I do not claim to know the One Way, or One Size fits all approach to living a joyful, peaceful life. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am to work with and help those whose heart urges them to connect with me and to learn more.
I am to hold a nurturing space for those who feel moved by what I share so they can discover what it means to love oneself and to awaken who they truly are within …… magnificence and LOVE.
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
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Congrats on creating both a personal and an uplifting book! I look forward to reading it.
Thank you tons for your support J-Lynn! It’s been an incredible and exciting adventure! Happy Tuesday to YOU!
Congrats to my beautiful friend, Camilla! So proud of you and happy to know you’ve shared a little piece of that nuclear reaction of a soul of yours with the world!
Thank you Georges!! I LOVE my Oaklawn Jr High friends to pieces!! So blessed to know you and very happy you enjoy my nuclear reaction of a soul!!! 🙂
Hi Ms. Downs.
My name is Rhonda and I have a son with autism and is considered mentally challenged. He used to have an I pad and it got wet and was ruined. He used it as a communication tool. His representative at Disability Resources recommended that I get in touch with you. She said that you may have resources that can help our son to get a new I pad so that he will be able to continue to communicate through Proloquo2Go. If you can help us we would really appreciate your help. Thank you, Rhonda Wilkinson
Yes Rhonda! Thank you so much for contacting me. Here’s a list of organizations that gift iPads … https://differentizgood.org/gift-a-voice/other-organizations-gifting-devices/ … Also, locally you can contact https://www.givehopeonline.org/ and https://www.forkidsfoundation.org/.
So sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Prayers and blessings that you are able to get hit replaced quickly!!
Dear Camilla
I have only by accident come across your book and upon reading the first few pages was surprisingly ( even to myself) reduced to tears. Someone else has a daughter with 18p- … Someone else knows what that means… And the rarity involved. Someone else knows the endless parade of doctors and decisions and someone else does it as a single parent. I did not know I felt so alone in this until reading u describe my own child, Emalee, (13yrs) in your words about Lillian. I have lost a daughter to trisomy 18 and a husband to divorce. I look forward to reading your book knowing I am not navigating this alone.
Hey DeAnna! I’m so happy and blessed that you found me and my book. You are absolutely not alone! Do you know about The Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society? Here’s the website address if not …. https://www.chromosome18.org. Sending you a warm, knowing hug full of love DeAnna!
Your blog radiates joy & positivity. I shall spend many happy hours here
Thank you Louise for your beautiful comment and for spending time browsing my writings. Much love to you!