November 28 2024
Happy day of gathering to y’all. Sending love. 🖤✊🏻🖤
We laughed, talked, ate, and laughed some more. Good times. 🖤🍁🖤
November 27 2024
Hear that? That’s the sweet, delicious sound of respite. Quiet. Serene.
Lillian is at The Romano Duo’s place, giving me respite. Thank you Romano Duo!!
We’re nearing the end of this semester. I’ve got 3 weeks remaining. Pretty much finished with new material. These 3 weeks will be turning in final projects and presentations, and final exams. Then a month long break. I’m pretty sure group projects were invented as a method of torture for neurodivergent folks. And tests and quizzes?? Those are absolute worthless as a learning tool (for me anyway). I do the same thing I did in high school. Memorize for the test, and then forget. One professor has done away with tests, focusing simply on doing the work. This has been my favorite class and the one I’ve learned the most. Literary analysis. For the entire semester we have read and analyzed text. Culminating in a full blown literary analysis and mock school board meeting happening next week.
November 23 2024
Another I’m late posting. We celebrated Thomas’s 19th birthday last weekend (actual birthday is November 13th).
Thomas Darnell,
To say that I am deeply proud to be your mom is truly an understatement. I am inspired by you, your intelligence, your empathy, your fortitude, your use of critical thinking. You help to enlighten me in regard to world matters, our country, and interpersonal relationships. You have been the catalyst for uncovering subconscious beliefs and thoughts so that I could unlearn them. I thank you for this.
I am your number 1 fan. I know I don’t always have the words to help, but I am forever here to listen and to hold space for you. Loving and supporting you for eternity.
(Yes, we had FOUR different cheesecakes!! Apparently, cheesecakes for an eternity, too!)
November 16 2024
I was out for a walk, with my earbuds in, listening to music. I passed by a neighbors cute lil dog, and said, “Hey sweetie.” Siri answered something like, “Yes, dear.” Made me laugh out loud. 🤣 Then I told Siri that although I’d love to meet a sweet girl who is into me, and I, into her; I didn’t think it would work out between us as she doesn’t have hands I can hold, nor a body I can snuggle. She had no reply. Shortest relationship ever! 💋😂🤪😂💋
November 15 2024
It’s a vein! What a blessing that they can use an ultrasound to find veins! No more traumatic experiences for Lillian. Three hours later and we were successfully outta there! Fingers and toes crossed that this CT with contrast gives us answers to the stomach and lower abdomen pain. 🙌🙌🙌