February 9 2024
Last Monday was exactly what I needed and I had a blast! Love these deep diving poetry folks!
The Space in My Heart
Give me one good reason
Why I should stay
When we’re together the words
You say to me
Bury themselves into the fertilizer
Of my heart
Watered with the tears that shed
When you ignore me
Sprouting, growing into the garden of you
Only to be crushed by the boot
Of your unreliability, dishonesty
Your empty, meaningless words
Supported by your inconsiderate nature
You come to me as an option
When you need replenished
When you’re lonely, sad, or confused
I am sustenance caught
In your web
Suspended, stuck
Waiting for you to come for me
I’m continually questioning my
Position in your life
I’m tempted by your tasty fruit
I know I should disconnect
My soul knows this
I want to understand you
I want to explain how I feel
But my soul knows I need someone
Who chooses me over and over again
Someone whose efforts reflect
I am wanted in their life
Someone who abundantly fills my cup
Give me one good reason
Why I should stay
Are we just telling ourselves stories?
We would do and say anything
To hang on to each other
Fiction filled stories
With pieces of truth
Patching the plot holes
Dancing to the tune of
Each others energy
Smiling in each other’s sunlight
Singing the joy bursting from our hearts
Drawn together like magnets
Is it fiction or truth?
Deep down I know the answer
Infusing myself with the strength
Of all the goddesses before me,
I close my eyes,
take a deep breath
And I
Walk away
February 2024
Inspired by Tracy Chapman’s “Give Me One Reason”
Hosted by @sidewayseightprojects and @mondaynightpoetrynv