(from a recent walk – July 2020 – taken by me)
I posted recently that I would be on vacation from July 26 – August 9th. I wrote that post in a hurry so as to be sure to let all of you know. I have been feeling all week that I want to expand on the reason for this break.
About a month or two ago, I got the feeling that it was time for a break. After the 15 year healing journey I’ve traveled, I’ve gotten pretty good at listening to my intuition. When the feeling popped up a few more times, I began to plan the Meeting the Authors posts to allow for a two week break.
Although I’m calling it a vacation, I will be working on tasks that have fallen by the way side, organizing things from our move at the end of 2019, balanced with taking it easy, reading, and perhaps exploring Reno, and the surrounding Lake Tahoe area.
I will definitely be off of social media through, at least August 2nd, at the most, through August 9th. I will be off of the Meeting the Authors website and MTA social media for the entire two weeks.
I’ve got many non-social media, non-blogging tasks that need or should be addressed, and they continue to get pushed aside so that I can keep the this blog, The Team TLC website, and Meeting the Authors up to date, and continue to engage with friends and connections on social media.
2020 is supposed to be the year of pressing the reset button, with rest, and relaxation. I have pressed the pause button on several areas, but I feel the need to re-access where I place my attention and efforts. So I will also be taking this time to look at where I want to focus my energies.
I absolutely love what I do over at Meeting the Authors. It is such a joy to meet and help promote so many authors and book bloggers. I will continue to do this. However, I most likely will scale back the frequency of the posts and interviews.
I’ve already slowed requesting interviews and reviews for my latest book, Words of Alchemy. Once I share all of the interviews, and reviews in back log and yet to be published, that will be put on pause also.
I may schedule a few (or more) blog posts to publish during the break. It just depends on how many I get scheduled before tomorrow. Once I return, I’ll update everyone with any changes to where I’m focusing energies. I will miss engaging with all of you and hope you have an amazing end of July!
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
“Words of Alchemy”, published December 2019, is a free-verse poetry memoir covering the last 6 years of my life. The poetry of nature, the poetry of healing, the poetry of appreciation, the poetry of love, in one beautiful book.
Amazing news! My 18 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” was published January 2018. Learn more and order here.
Wonderfully exciting news! My 14 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.