One breath at a time, dear one
You find yourself in a vast ocean of your own creation.
An ocean full of the humanness of life.
Joy, love, peace,
laughter, happiness, abundance,
beauty, compassion, kindness.
Fear, sadness, greed,
competition, judgements, shame,
guilt, jealousy, loneliness.
At times you feel as if you
are on the verge of drowning.
One’s arms and legs have become
heavy with the struggle of this
ocean swirling with humanness.
What is one to do?
There is no place to return.
You jumped in knowing
there was only One Way to survive
in this vast ocean of humanness.
One breath at a time.
For as you breathe each breath
it is another opportunity
to feel the humanness of life.
Feel all of it,
the comforting and
the unlovely,
and then release it into
the vast ocean to be
cleansed by Mother Earth.
For one day you will feel
the heavy burden begin to
lift from your arms and legs.
You will know only the
unconditional love of this
ocean of humanness.
All the rest is still there.
Yes, it is.
Still swim in it, you do.
Yet, it just brushes by you
as you are drenched in the
unconditional love of all that is.
Rather than struggle
You move in harmony
with the humanness.
One breath at a time,
See, there it is ..
You just took another breath and another
and another …
Keep breathing, Keep swimming
in this vast ocean and know
you are not alone.
You are surrounded and uplifted
by the One Love and breathe
it in with each breath.
You cannot escape the One Love.
It is always with you.
One breath at a time.
2017 Lessons from Nature, Camilla Downs
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
Amazing news! My 16 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” is arriving November 2017. Learn more and order here.
Wonderfully exciting news! My 12 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.
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