Liberation of this Soul – Words of Alchemy

Liberation of this Soul

She was tired.
Tired of trying to figure it out.

Tired of trying to make things work.
Tired of manipulating circumstances
to make things work.
Tired of trying to control situations to make things work.

Tired of living in confusion.
Tired of the suffering
created by way of her thoughts.

Tired of the chains that
bound her to the suffering.
Tired of dragging those
invisible chains through life.

Tired of not loving herself.
Tired of not being loved.
Tired of the responsibility of it all.

Tired of questioning her every decision.
Tired of hiding the Truth from herself.
Tired of running from her own self.

Tired of the darkness within.
Tired of the pull of the ego.

What she craved.
What she desperately needed.

In desperation she dropped to her knees.
Crying to the all knowing,

Take this tired body,
Take this tired mind,
Take this confusion,
Take this suffering,

She let it all go.
She released it to the divine.

She asked for liberation
from her self-induced suffering.

Liberate this soul.
Liberate this heart.

Allow this heart to open.
Allow this heart to
receive and know unconditional love.
Allow this mind to know Clarity.

Liberation to the graceful
place of Knowing Freedom.
Liberation to the Place
of letting go.

Letting Go
And saying Yes
to Life. – ©Camilla Downs

See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

“Words of Alchemy”, published December 2019, is a free-verse poetry memoir covering the last 6 years of my life. The poetry of nature, the poetry of healing, the poetry of appreciation, the poetry of love, in one beautiful book.

Amazing news! My 19 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” was published January 2018. Learn more and order here

Wonderfully exciting news! My 15 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.

Poetry and Photography: Liberate This Soul

Cloud Dancing with Full Moon 2017

She was tired.
Tired of trying to figure it out.

Tired of trying to make things work.
Tired of manipulating circumstances
to make things work.
Tired of trying to control situations to make things work.

Tired of living in confusion.
Tired of the suffering
created by way of her thoughts.

Tired of the chains that
bound her to the suffering.
Tired of dragging those
invisible chains through life.

Tired of not loving herself.
Tired of not being loved.
Tired of the responsibility of it all.

Tired of questioning her every decision.
Tired of hiding the Truth from herself.
Tired of running from her own self.

Tied of the darkness within.
Tired of the pull of the ego.

What she craved.
What she desperately …..

Go here to read more …

Liberation by Camilla Downs

“When we resist change, it’s called suffering.” -Pema Chodron

When I shared this poem a friend shared this quote. When I first read the quote, I thought, “I’m not resisting any change. There’s absolutely no change happening in my life.”

Then I thought about it more. It’s true there is no outside change occurring for me. Yet, good golly, there’s tons of internal change. And there was my aha moment. Resisting the change to let it all go. All the control. All the manipulation. All the likes and dislikes. Let it all go. Surrender and allow what will happen naturally if “I” get out of the way.

See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

Amazing news! My 16 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” is arriving November 2017. Learn more and order here

Wonderfully exciting news! My 12 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.

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One Way I Surrendered To My True Colors

Fear ~~ Control ~~ Manipulation ~~ Conditional Love ~~ Smallness ~~ Victim

These six have been my friends throughout this life. I unconsciously believed they were my protectors, my power, and what allowed me to live this life as I thought I wanted to experience it.

In December 2016, I had an intuitive knowing that the year 2017 would bring with it a Shift. That has been happening since January 2017 and I can hardly keep up with all that is shifting for me. It’s happening incredibly fast and many times it is absolutely not fun. It is exhausting as I am BEing in the depths of my own darkness.

I am becoming more conscious to all of the ways in which I had been living unconsciously. I am remembering, connecting, and releasing memories and events from my past; pivotal things that happened at a sweet and tender young age. I am awakening and discovering the costume I have worn most of my life (excluding as a young child).

I am discovering a freedom, an untethering, a surrendering …. a Liberation.

This is a brick received at the last Alchemist Theatre event. A brick which we were to imprint a word or words onto that came to us during an alchemy meditation. Our instructions were to write the word(s) on the brick and to destroy the brick in an earth friendly manner.

Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #5 Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #4 Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #3 Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #2 Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #1

The word that came forth for me was “surrender”. That didn’t make sense to me until the next day when I realized I was to surrender these six, old, and dear friends listed above.

Prayer to the brick energy and holder of the dear and no longer needed protectors:

I Love You All.

You have been there for me
when I needed you most, or so I thought.

You saved me from failure.
You saved me from embarrassment.
You were the vehicle that
helped me live and experience
this life as I thought in my best interest.

I Love You All.

Yet, now I realize
this was unconscious living.
And I now see that
you were not true friends.

I mistakenly called you all in long ago
to keep me from hurting.
I am conscious now. I have awakened.

I send you off with deep love
for why we both thought you were here.
It’s time and I am ready for my
true colors to shine through.

I surrender you all
to be transmuted into
Unconditional Love, Courage, Greatness,
Allowing, and Saying Yes to Life.

Be free my friends. I release you.
Welcome True Colors.
And so it is.

Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #13Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #12Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #11Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #14Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #15Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #16Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #19Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #18Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #17Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #22 Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #21 Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #20 Camilla Smashing Brick 5.29.17 #23

I had no idea how emotional I would become while crushing the brick. That’s the only reason I included all of the pictures Lillian took. I connected with anger, felt it, and released it. And, I felt incredibly lighter and more joyful afterwards. Hallelujah ….. xoxo

After I wrote this post I came across this poem I wrote in December 2016. WOW!

Swirl Shell Washoe Lake 2017 #1

Come, Be with me.

You are drawn
to me for a reason.

There is a time
and a season
for all that you
will remember.

You will experience
a pivotal life shift,
That opens the portal
to divine knowing.

The place you
finally allow
your self to rest.

To prepare for
the sharing of
divine love
in a way
only you can share.

The mind is quieted,
Let what must fall away.
Removing your self
from the many
directions you
have strayed.

All to come forth
as you came here
to come forth,
Sharing divine love.

Come. Be with me. ~2016 Camilla Downs, Lessons from Nature


See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

Wonderfully exciting news! My 10 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer has arrived. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.

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