Exploring and Adventures

I hope to always be exploring and creating adventures y’all!

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” -T.S. Eliot

This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.  

I enjoy taking the time to share information with y’all that I think is helpful and give you ideas to live an Inspired Life. So, if you feel this helped you in any way, toss a tip into the tip bowl on the way out of Inspired Living.

PayPal Tip Bowl

If you can’t afford to donate, please feel free to pass this article along to others who might get some help from it. Thank y’all to everyone who has donated and shared in the past. I don’t always get a chance to respond, and the donations, shares and comments are my indicators that what I share is helpful. Thank YOU!

30 Day Journey of Life: Giving


“Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.” –Mother Teresa

And so it is … I accept and realize that to become enlightened and enrich my own life I must stop searching, trying so hard, and waiting for some “thing” to happen. I must be that which I seek. I am embarking on a Journey of Life on this very day. For at least the next year, I plan to dedicate myself to a different 30 Day Journey of Life at the beginning of every new 30 days.

The first 30 Day Journey of Life begins today …. GIVING. I will give of myself like I have never given before. I will help those who need it, I will spread kindness, I will do whatever is in my power to help anyone who asks. I will live my life with this being my priority for every day for the next 30 days. I will do this for my kids (Thomas and Lillian), my family, my friends and complete strangers.

I will do this and expect nothing in return and ask for nothing in return.

I will write and share about this Journey as it unfolds …. (Go here to read how the first week went …)

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” –Lao Tzu

The Happy Virus

Driving to family swim night this past Friday night, Thomas says to me, “I’ve got the Happy Virus“. Then he tells me what that is .. something like you are just so happy with all the stuff that’s going on …. Well, y’all know me! I’m like, What a phrase you just coined Thomas!! That’s it! Team TLC is out to infect as many people as we can with the Happy Virus … watch out y’all. I hear you can get an immunization for it at your local pharmacy; but they are running low … we may just get to you with our Happy Virus before you can get immunized!! ♥ ♥ ♥

This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.  

I enjoy taking the time to share information with y’all that I think is helpful and give you ideas to live an Inspired Life. So, if you feel this helped you in any way, toss a tip into the tip bowl on the way out of Inspired Living.

PayPal Tip Bowl

If you can’t afford to donate, please feel free to pass this article along to others who might get some help from it. Thank y’all to everyone who has donated and shared in the past. I don’t always get a chance to respond, and the donations, shares and comments are my indicators that what I share is helpful. Thank YOU!

Simplicity … All It Takes

Gosh! Saturday, September 15th, was an amazing, blissful and peaceful day … Bliss = At the end of the day your 6 yr old son says to you, “This was one of the best days of my life”, knowing that it was a simple day. Hanging out at home together until after lunch, then Thomas treating Lillian to a gluten free donut for her birthday at Haven on Earth Bakery, then the library and then the used book store. That’s all …. and that’s all it takes …. ♥ ♥ ♥

This article is now part of my inventory in Simplify.  

I enjoy taking the time to share information with y’all that I think is helpful and will help you simplify your life. So, if you feel this helped you in any way, toss a tip into the tip bowl on the way out of Simplify.

PayPal Tip Bowl

If you can’t afford to donate, please feel free to pass this article along to others who might get some help from it. Thank y’all to everyone who has donated and shared in the past. I don’t always get a chance to respond, and the donations, shares and comments are my indicators that what I share is helpful. Thank YOU!

Spreading Acceptance and Kindness

I’m so excited!!! Prepping for my annual “Lillian Presentation”. Every year I present to Lillian’s classmates about her differences. This year I’ll have a larger audience as all of the 4-6 grade teachers want me to present to their students instead of just Lillian’s class! WOW!! I’m thrilled to be given the opportunity to have these little minds to inspire and educate … My desire is that I say just the right thing, in just the right way to inspire at least one of them, hopefully more, to accept themselves just as they ARE and to carry that forward to acceptance and kindness towards those with differences … The magic happens this Friday, the 14th … not just any Friday and not just any 14th …. It’s a very special inspiring little ladies birthday that day too …. Rock on Ms. Lillian … Keep on shinin girl …. ♥ ♥ ♥

Journey to Magical Moments – The 19th Annual Chromosome 18 Conference


This gallery contains 12 photos.

Another summer and another Chromosome 18 Conference has come to an end. Another journey of adventures with crazy luggage, stairs, peaceful strolls along the Riverwalk, laughter, tears and …. magical moments. A journey to a place where not everyone knows … Continue reading

D iz for Different Video Journey

I poured through all of my pictures y’all and put a few together to mirror my journey as described in the book. Hope y’all enjoy it!

The Year of the Present Moment

My Theme for 2012 . . .

It’s the time of year when many people make resolutions for the New Year. I can’t remember that I’ve ever made resolutions. It’s never been appealing to me. What I have done for the past few years is to have a theme for the year. I then use this theme to help with decision making and to have as a vision for the year. I create a vision board to go along with my theme and vision for the year. This gets framed and hung on my wall where I can see it every day. Last year Thomas and Lillian joined me in doing this also and we had fun as a family putting our boards together. Each of their boards is hanging on their wall also. This method has worked miraculously for me so I thought I’d share it with you. Maybe it’s time for a change from the “old style” of resolutions . . . Maybe it’s time to do it different!

Each year my theme and board have gotten more simple. In fact, everything in my life has gotten more simple over this past year. I find that I like and crave simplicity and life is so much easier to enjoy when I have simplicity. Usually I choose two words for my yearly theme. The 2011 theme has been Clarity and Faith. I had a vision of Team TLC being the foundation of 2011. If you’ve been following me, you know that Team TLC was born this year and has blossomed into something wonderful. I sensed how important it was for me to turn my focus and attention on my little family and that all things good would flow from my attention to our Team. I then had four quadrants that stemmed from our Team TLC Foundation. Two quadrants were health and weight. I have lost twenty six pounds and am more aware of the foods I and we eat. Still working on the other two quadrants. So for now, I’ll keep those to my little ole self! 😉

2012 is The Year of the Present Moment. The foundation will be to Focus on My Purpose in the Present Moment. To make more of an effort to be aware and really truly there for whoever I’m with, talking to, conducting business with or focusing completely on whatever I am doing or whatever event I am attending. I decided to choose three theme words for 2012 and they are Kindness, Knowing and Gratitude. Kindness as I enjoy spreading and sharing kindness and I believe it doesn’t stop with the person I share it with. I also believe we attract what we authentically put out there. Knowing as a reminder to listen to my intuition and gut. Even when I don’t know why I’m being pulled in a certain direction or how I am going to “do” whatever it is. Gratitude as life is less stressful and more joyful and peaceful when I am thankful for all that I have and thankful for all that I will have . . . grateful as if I already had it.

My four quadrants for 2012 are ME, Team TLC, Thomas and Lillian. In keeping with my simplistic theme, I have two words for each one of these. My quadrant is about creativity and patience. Team TLC is about a beach vacation. The Thomas quadrant is about coping and respect. The Lillian quadrant is about math and communication.

I have made many shifts this year. I wrote a book, D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance, lost twenty six pounds, made a complete change in my career and purged and decluttered my house, garage and life. The book is in the final stages of being edited and cover design. I have three modules left in obtaining my certification as a Special Needs Life Coach. Here’s a little tidbit I learned about purging household/kitchen items . . . Be ready to explain when your Mom visits for Christmas and you got rid of some of the things she gave you!! Oops! No worries y’all, I didn’t get rid of anything of sentimental value . . . just a few odds and ends. I figure if I only use it once a year, I don’t want it taking up space in my life!

Here’s what my vision board will look like when I’ve got it completed. It’ll definitely be much prettier though! Now, what about it? Will you do it different in 2012?

2011 Most Popular Posts

We’re all busy, we’re all in a hurry and we all have too much to do. So, I’ve combed through the posts on this site for 2011, looking at the total number of facebook likes and comments, and created a “Most Popular” list for those that may have missed something and those that want to read again and share. Enjoy y’all!

Dares, Choices and Changing the World – April 5, 2011

Decisions from the Gut – May 27, 2011

The Shift That Happens – May 31, 2011

O is for Observe – August 7, 2011

Purging, Weight Loss and Writing a Book – September 11, 2011

Happiness is . . .

Happiness for me is snuggling beside Thomas and talking with him or reading a book with him. Happiness is when he asks to give me a hug and tells me “thank you” for making it better. Happiness is experiencing his excitement and his sense of wonder and awe. Happiness is holding his hand in mine. Happiness is dancing with him. Happiness is over hearing him repeat my shared “words of wisdom” when I least expect it.

Happiness for me is Lillian’s beautiful warm sparkly smile. Happiness is when she exudes pride in her accomplishments. Happiness is touching her beautiful hair. Happiness is sitting next to her and reading. Happiness is her excitement when I pull myself away from the computer and focus on an activity with her. Happiness is her love of books and the library. Happiness is her concern and empathy for others.

Happiness for me is our traditional Team TLC Saturday movie night. Happiness is when Thomas and Lillian show their love for one another. Happiness is seeing Thomas helping Lillian. Happiness is watching the two of them play together. Happiness is a quiet moment with my kids. Happiness is the Team TLC adventures we experience. Happiness is taking pictures of my kids. Happiness is spending time with my Mama and step-father, Frank. Happiness is a warm, hardy, loving hug from a friend. Happiness is spending time with my friends.

Happiness for me is quiet alone time. Happiness is reading my favorite book. Happiness is feeling the sun drench my body in warmth. Happiness is gazing at the moon and stars. Happiness is feeling a light breeze brush across my cheeks. Happiness is nature, the landscape and the peaceful sense of awe I receive from it. Happiness is my comfy slippers. Happiness is making an anonymous kind gesture. Happiness is smiling at others. Happiness is taking pictures of nature. Happiness is the smell of bacon frying in the morning. Happiness is dark chocolate. Happiness is indulging in my favorite foods. Happiness is a good homemade Bloody Mary. Happiness is a taste bud pleasing dark lager. Happiness is a warm, crackling, cozy fire. Happiness is a balmy sandy beach. Happiness is the memory of both my Mammaws, Elnor Downs and Estelle Mann. Happiness is writing. Happiness is sharing my life with others. Happiness is inspiring others.

What is happiness for you? Why not make your own Happiness List . . . it’s good for the soul . . .

This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.  

I enjoy taking the time to share information with y’all that I think is helpful and give you ideas to live an Inspired Life. So, if you feel this helped you in any way, toss a tip into the tip bowl on the way out of Inspired Living.

PayPal Tip Bowl

If you can’t afford to donate, please feel free to pass this article along to others who might get some help from it. Thank y’all to everyone who has donated and shared in the past. I don’t always get a chance to respond, and the donations, shares and comments are my indicators that what I share is helpful. Thank YOU!