A Different Advent Calendar

Amelia Earhart observed, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”

Let the 31 Day Spreading HappYness Tour begin for Team TLC!!! Every day this month we will perform an act of kindness. This ties in with our Advent Calendar this year also … ditching the candy … something much more meaningful this year … A fancy scroll containing a special activity to celebrate the season and a HappYness Adventure mission!! I’m staying very flexible so this remains joyful and fun … If one of us chooses to do something else that’s just fine!

This will also eventually tie in with our HappYness Adventures way of life and website which will be about ALL things HappYness.

December 1st, Saturday: Picnic Dinner by the Christmas Tree and Making cards and basket with special note for librarians

December 2nd, Sunday: Christmas book and hot cocoa by the tree and leaving Happy Notes in books at the book store

December 3rd, Monday: Read ‘A Christmas Carol’ in front of the fire and Say something kind to your teacher

December 4th, Tuesday: Sing Christmas Carols together and Say something kind to one of your classmates

December 5th, Wednesday: Special treat when I pick you up from school and make Get Well cards for the rehab center next door to the school.

December 6th, Thursday: Make paper snow people and FREE choice on a spreading HappYness

December 7th, Friday: Brainstorm a Winter Poem and Spread HappYness to Mammaw & Pappaw

December 8th, Saturday: Christmas Movie and give someone a hug and/or big ole smile

December 9th, Sunday: Make Winter Poem into a fun shaped card and Hold the door open for people

December 10th, Monday:  Share what this time of year means to you and Share Happy Memories

December 11th, Tuesday: Sing Christmas Carols together and Happy notes in a public restroom mirror (or location of your choice)

December 12th, Wednesday: Make a paper tree and put change in a vending machine for the next person

December 13th, Thursday: Special treat when I pick you up from school and something kind for yourself

December 14th, Friday: Christmas Movie and FREE choice on spreading HappYness

December 15th, Saturday: Christmas Movie and email or call a friend.

December 16th, Sunday: Christmas scavenger hunt and Make a sign for a bulletin board that says … “Take What You Need” — with tear-off tabs at the bottom for Love, Hope, Faith, and Courage.

December 17th, Monday: Make paper candy canes and pick up some trash outside.

December 18th, Tuesday:  Sing Christmas Carols together and leave a copy of a book with a note for the next reader somewhere public

December 19th, Wednesday: Special treat and leave a note for a family member in a place where they will find it later.

December 20th, Thursday: Make a paper wreath and Thank YOU card for the mail lady

December 21st, Friday: Christmas Movie and write a gratitude letter to someone and detail all the reasons you are grateful for them.

December 22nd, Saturday: Christmas Movie and turn an unhappy moment into a happy moment

December 23rd, Sunday: Go for a drive to look at Christmas lights and put a thank you note on a neighbor’s door

December 24th, Monday: Make a Holiday Book and Instead of Complaining about Something, Find and Say what’s right about it.

December 25th, Tuesday: Free Choice Spread HappYness

December 26th, Wednesday: Free Choice Spread HappYness

December 27th, Thursday: Free Choice Spread HappYness

December 28th, Friday: Free Choice Spread HappYness

December 29th, Saturday: Free Choice Spread HappYness

December 30th, Sunday: Free Choice Spread HappYness

December 31st, Monday: Free Choice Spread HappYness

This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.  

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