This gallery contains 3 photos.
A few weeks ago I was prompted to re-read a book I had only read once back in 2007. I met the author of this book in 2007 at a networking event and I now consider him to be a … Continue reading
This gallery contains 3 photos.
A few weeks ago I was prompted to re-read a book I had only read once back in 2007. I met the author of this book in 2007 at a networking event and I now consider him to be a … Continue reading
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. -Albert Einstein
He says to me, “Come quick. It’s almost gone. Come tell the sun goodnight!” I quickly head over, peak my head out the door and tell the sun goodnight. A few minutes later I peak my head out again to tell him dinner is ready. When he comes closer I notice tears streaming down his face and he keeps saying “I’m so happy”. I tell him it’s okay to cry when you are happy. That’s good stuff.
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. -William Shakespeare
He tells me he just loves nature and it makes him feel so good and makes him so happy but he also feels ashamed about that. I asked him why he feels ashamed about it. He says he doesn’t think other people feel the same way as he does and he is the only one. First, I tell him it doesn’t matter if anyone else in the Universe feels this way, that does not make it wrong. I tell him that if it makes him feel this good and happy, that’s all that matters. It is the right thing when it brings out these feelings. We don’t define what is right and wrong for us according to other people’s opinions. Next, I let him know he is not alone in feeling this. I said you’ve got someone sitting right here next to you who feels the same way …. ME. Plus, I know bunches of other people who feel this way too. You are not alone. Yet, also remember that it wouldn’t matter if you were ….
He asked why it feels so good? I told him he is feeling his oneness with nature. The knowing that we and nature are connected. I explained how amazing and awesome it is that he is feeling and recognizing this at so young an age. There are so many people who live their whole lives and never know this feeling. I feel many of us knew this feeling as children, but we lost it along the way. Then, there are people like me in their 40’s who are just NOW feeling it and realizing it (or remembering the feeling from childhood). I said my wish for him is that he never forgets this feeling and carries it with him always.
Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. -William Wordsworth
The “He” in this post is my 7 year old son, Thomas. He has given me permission to share this with all of you.
I help to support my family with my writings. I share my writings for free for the benefit of others. If you benefited from this writing, would you like to toss a tip in the love offering “bucket”? Oceans of gratitude … xoxo