This past Tuesday, it was time to nourish my soul …. I went for a walk and sat for a while …
As the butterfly swoops by, as the last remaining leaves rustle, as the sounds drift by, as the sun shares it’s warmth with me, as the soft breeze cools my face…
Pondering, accepting, releasing …. Soaking it in ….
As we choose to believe we must always be “doing” so hard and “doing” so much and choose to believe in lack and that we need something or someone to make us happy, the belief and obsession to have more and more ….
All we need do is return to nature so as to feel and see and know the abundance that surrounds us …. The abundance that is ours once we choose to live a true and authentic life.
Peace is ours once we discontinue to identify with what we have and what we accomplish. The search for this peace is a worthwhile quest. Knowing that we are valuable just because we ARE and not believing that we are valuable only when we have accomplished something … This is a concept that brings instant peace when we truly grasp it and live our life knowing this.
Add the ingredient of resilience …
Add the fortitude to stay true to this thought pattern when old negative thoughts and thought patterns rear their ugly head …. AND
Joy, Happiness, Contentment and Peace is OURS.
This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.
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