Reno Rainbow
I’ve been a member of Reno Downtowner’s Toastmaster’s Club for about a year now. I originally joined as I wanted to improve my speaking skills and be in a comfortable environment amongst others who were improving themselves and wanted to help fellow members do the same.
Lately, I find myself so busy that I have this recurring thought that I just don’t have the time to keep going every week. Toastmaster’s clubs meet once a week for an hour. I get myself to the meeting in spite of this thought telling me I don’t have time and EVERY single time I do this, that particular Toastmaster’s meeting is out of this world and I know I was meant to be there and be a part of the speeches, discussions and table topics.
Last Tuesday, May 24, 2011 was no exception. First, I was chosen during table topics. For those that don’t know, table topics are to help you speak off the cuff, spur of the moment without any preparation. The table topics master makes a statement of 5 words or less and chooses another member to speak for at least a minute about the statement they just delivered.
I was chosen to speak about the word “If”. Having just had a speaker the previous Wednesday at our eWomenNetworking Dinner event whose topic was Going with Your Gut, I tied the word “if” with that message. See, this is the thing, that Go with Your Gut message was very timely and hit home with me. I have just recently made a HUGE decision involving my daughter and her education by way of going with MY gut. This was another little reminder for me to nevermind the “What if’s” and pay attention to my gut!
Following that, we had two amazing speeches. One based on Giving Thanks which had as it’s foundation the speakers own story which was very moving and one that I identified with on many levels! Next speech had to do with finding our own point of power. WOW! Again, based on the speakers own story and definitely packed a powerful message. This was a meeting I was just supposed to be in attendance.
Attending and being a member of Reno Downtowner’s Toastmasters Club has shifted to mean more than why I originally joined the club. One never knows what will happen or shift for us when we choose to show up. I certainly felt a shift occurring for several other members when they were privy to some of our very own stories.
Have you joined any organizations or attended events for a certain reason and then find that reason shifting at some point? Would love to hear about it!
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