Last week I wrote about how and why Team TLC moved into a 1 bedroom 810 square foot condo. I’ve decided to write update posts as time allows. The still inner voice urges me to share this adventure and journey with others. Anyone who knows me also knows that I freely and openly share my life’s journey for the growth and benefit of others as I feel that is what I’m supposed to BE doing.
Week one was a whirlwind. We moved in on Sunday. I subbed every day last week so the unpacking and rearranging was very slow moving. (I substitute teach at the school that Thomas attends – High Desert Montessori School.)
All of us adjusted pretty quickly to our new place. So far we’ve not had problems or emergency situations with having only one bathroom. In case of emergency, we can use the lodge bathroom. We’ve mostly been mindful of the call of nature for one another!
There were no problems sleeping or worries about being somewhere new. We all slept in the bedroom through Friday when I was finally able to clear the boxes around the hide-a-bed couch. Lillian’s full size bed and my queen size bed both fit into the bedroom so that’s where we’ll sleep. Thomas gets to have his own little area and will sleep on the hide-a-bed. He’s always had his own bed and bedroom in the past, with his latest bed being a queen size that he got from Grandma Marge (Frank’s mom) when she moved into assisted living. He has never slept well on the bed, so we both decided to get rid of it and will eventually get him a brand new one.
The place is still a mess, yet, it’s coming together finally. We still have some things in the storage unit also. There’s another couch, my desk, a filing cabinet, holiday decorations, two child recliners, an office chair, Thomas’ desk, keepsake items, pictures, Thomas’ HUGE box of LEGOS, and probably some things I’ve forgotten about!
I have a wild and crazy plan! Ready ….. I’m making it my goal to clear the storage unit completely and have everything we own here with us in this beautiful 810 square foot oasis! Purging and simplifying are not new concepts for me. This truly began in July 2011 (read about it here). The couch is gone as soon as I schedule a donation center to come pick it up. I’m going to release my grip and let go of the desk. The desk was handmade especially for me in the late 1990’s, so I have been reluctant to release it. Now is the time. I will bless it, thank it, and pass it on. I plan to make space for Thomas’ desk once things are unpacked. We’ll see how it all progresses.
We’ve had several dinners on our patio, had our first movie night (and an extra movie night), went for our first walk around the lake, have gone to the pool several times, had the first beanie baby birthday party, and I taught Thomas how to play pool Friday afternoon in the lodge.
The adventure has begun …. Thanks for being a part of it! Go here to read about week two!
Heartfuly Inspired™,
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
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I had a dream last night about liviing in a much smaller house than this 1700 square feet. I keep wondering why we have all this space! The idea was to be able to accommodate all of our kids and grandkids, and they only get up here once or twice a year. For that, we could rent them rooms at a hotel!
So, I read this blog with a bit of envy. I’m with you on your goal to clear your storage and bless your belongings as you send them on their way! The project sounds like something I could do over the colder, shorter months. It’s been almost 10 years since we purged from our home of 25 years…. a 10-year purge sounds like a good way to celebrate that anniversary!
Thanks for sharing your experiences. The lake is gorgeous, the pool delicious, and it looks like there is space in your complex to spread out a bit! Congratulations on this new adventure!
Thank you Barbara!! So funny that you dreamed about a smaller house! Sounds like the inner voice is ringing the 10 year purge alarm!!
I have been intrigued by those who purge almost everything to live in a smaller space and to be able to have more life experiences rather than more stuff. I’m so grateful I took the step that will allow us to try it for ourselves. We can always increase our space from here, but if we never decrease the space we’ll never know what could have happened for us if we let go …. So much love to you!! xoxo
P.S. – Thomas and Lillian love our new place. However, they struggle with letting go of things and not having a dedicated space that is their own for those things. I’ll talk about this more in the next post.