Biggest Little Photographer Arrives – We Did It


This book, Biggest Little Photographer, represents the fruition of a desire. Yet, within that is the message that the steps along the journey of ones desire are what comprises life itself.

It’s sure to inspire with great quotes; almost all of which were chosen by Thomas (some by me). I’ve placed it in the photography/gift/inspiration category as these are most fitting. Order HERE (Cost $20).

All the photos were taken by Thomas when he was 8 and 9 years old, so this is not your typical photography book. Yet, I’m heartfuly positive it will not disappoint.

For the past 3 months I have worked on completing one task and fulfilling a promise I made to the T in our Team TLC. I have hardly “worked” on anything else.

With input from Thomas I filtered through the 300+ photographs to choose about 150 photographs for the book. Then I grouped the photos into categories with theme names. Additionally, I needed to organize all of this so that LaRue could easily layout the book with no confusion.

Next, I wrote the “Author’s Note” and the introduction to the book. Thomas chose some favorite quotes to pair with the categories and with which to end the book. I also chose some favorite quotes as we were a bit short of quotes.

Lastly, there were lots and lots of reviews for editing purposes. Then during the week of October 10th, we sent back and forth the final review and printing began!

During that time, I’ve helped Thomas get ready to show 2 of his photographs at the Young Blood exhibit. And I’ve helped both Thomas and Lillian be prepared for the First Annual Kids Business Fair in the beginning of October.

thomas-young-blood-show-9-30-16-1 thomas-young-blood-show-9-30-16-4thomas-young-blood-show-9-30-16-3 thomas-young-blood-show-9-30-16-5thomas-young-blood-show-9-30-16-2

After we got home and unloaded the car on October 8th following the Kids Business Fair, I was so tired all I could do was run a hot, epsom salt bath, and slide my tired body into it. And, it was amazing. I cried tears of gratitude, joy, and knowing.

kids-business-fair-10-8-16-1 kids-business-fair-10-8-16-2 kids-business-fair-10-8-16-3 kids-business-fair-wake-up-interview-10-8-16-1 kids-business-fair-wake-up-interview-10-8-16-2 kids-business-fair-wake-up-interview-10-8-16-3

I had no idea how I would make this happen when I made the promise to an 8 year old Thomas (10 years old now). Yet, I knew in my heart it was what I was supposed to say to him.

When the time came to fulfill that promise, I still had no idea how I would do it. What I did know from my past experience is to just start doing it and keep doing it and it will happen.

What I also knew is that this came from my heart and nothing from one’s heart is ever the wrong thing to do. And, it ends up being not about the end result, it’s about all the “doing it” leading up to the end result.


I simply started taking steps to create a book with Thomas’ 365 day photography project. Many times not even knowing where and how my foot would land. Not knowing how to put it all together or who we would have help with final steps of making it into a book.

I checked out a couple of books from the library to use as inspiration, looked at some books online, and just started. I did back up once and start all over, deciding to go about it differently and am so glad I did. We overflow with gratitude to LRP Press in Reno, Nevada for working with us, designing the cover, and printing this beautiful book!

Want one (go here … $20)? Want to host a book signing? Want to sell it in your shop? Would you be interested in helping us spread the word? We’ll have an official launch sometime in the next few weeks. Comment here or message me if you’d like to help the launch. It will be super easy …. Like an email blast or blog post. My email address is Camilla Downs @ gmail . com …


We overflow with oceans of gratitude for everyone who has touched, supported, and sent good juju to this project.

We aren’t completely done yet, as we’ll be having book signings around town and are available to speak as a Mom and Son duo. I will take a brief break to catch up on my own writings …. and to fix the driver’s side mirror that has been held on with duck tape since July!

Then, it’s on to fulfill a promise to the L in our Team TLC …… For now, I know what I know, what I know, what I know …. xoxoxo

Time to mail the pre-orders and the amazing new orders coming in now …..


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The Biggest Little Photographer by Thomas Darnell

Wonderfully exciting news! We’ve completed the first book trailer for my 10 year old son’s, Thomas Darnell, upcoming book.


Our goal is to receive 100 pre-orders by July 1, 2016. Will you help by doing any of the following:

  • Pre-ordering a book (The book will be available Fall 2016)
  • Like, comment, share the post on Thomas’ website
  • Like, comment, share on facebook
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  • Share using the social media outlet of your choice

Book information: Russian nesting doll type theme – about an 8 year old boy who begins photographing his favorite mini figure photographing the world around him, for one full year.

This is a photography book including many of the photographs Thomas took during the 365 day photo a day project he worked on for 1 year of his life … from 8 years old to 9 years old.

It will also include an introduction of how it began, quotes, and a bit of the story along the way. The book will be co-authored by me.

Thomas Taking Photo of LEGO man taking photo - Galena Visitor's Center June 27 2014

But wait ….. This is not simply a photography book and not a photography book by a professional photographer. This book is about an 8 year old boy, with a passion for LEGO, and a huge heart.

An 8 year old boy who read an article about a professional photographer who had taken photographs of a mini figure taking photographs for 365 days. An 8 year old boy who then asked, “Can I do that?” and then bought a mini figure camera with his own money.

An 8 year old boy who used what he had, a donated iPhone 3G, mini figure pieces already owned, and spent less than $2.00 to purchase the camera piece. So, while you won’t find photographs of the highest quality and clarity within this book, you will find love, inspiration, and the knowing that whatever you dream, whatever you want to accomplish, it CAN be done. And you will find that life is what happens between asking, “Can I do that?” and “I DID IT!”

It’s about an 8 year old boy who, with determination and fun, completed a ONE YEAR photography project from the time he was 8 years old and ending at 9 years old.

Coming Fall 2016!

Head on over to Thomas’ website to learn more, to share, comment, or pre-order your copy! Oceans of gratitude!

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Leaf at Sunset and Nature Box by Thomas

Thomas has been at it again creating items to contribute to getting us to the Chromosome 18 conference this July in San Antonio.

(Thomas’ older sister, Lillian, has 18p-. We plan on driving from Reno as this seems to be the least expensive option. If need be, we will take a tent and camp at campgrounds on the way down. Should take about three or four days. Thanks a million for taking a look at Thomas’ creations!)

I’m selling a painting of a leaf I made with a sunset in the background. (Added by my mom: It is made using recycled materials, acrylic paint, sealant, and made ready to hang.) Here’s a picture of it:

Thomas' Painting may 2016

I am asking for at least $20 (plus $5 for shipping if you are not local to Reno). I’ll leave the final price open to you. Please use this PayPal link and enter your amount.

I’m also selling a nature adventures set. Here’s a picture of it, along with ideas of what to do with it. (Mom added this: The possibilities of how to use this set is only limited by your imagination. You can also add your own pieces to it. Hand painted and decorated storage container made using recycled materials.)

nature set adventures idea 2

The above picture is of insects enjoying a campfire.

nature set ideas one

The above picture is of a game of bowling.

nature set ideas three

The above picture is of a soccer game.

nature set ideas four

The above is a photo of what’s included in the set.

photo 5 (78)

The above picture is the hand painted storage container made by recycling materials.

(Added by Mom: Please note this set is not intended for infants or toddlers or those who will place the items in their mouth.)

I am asking for at least $20 (plus $5 for shipping if you are not local to Reno). I’ll leave the final price open to you. Please use this PayPal link and enter your amount.

And last but not least, I’m selling prints of the mini-figure 365 Photo A Day series.

(Added by my mom: You will receive an 8 X 10 print on high quality paper. The photo series is currently being made into a book! These are being sold as part of pre-ordering the book. Tentatively titled Grand Adventures of the Biggest Little Photographer. Visit this link to learn more.)

If you have any questions, please comment here or email my mom at CamillaDowns @ gmail . com …


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Did you know I wrote a book? It’s titled “D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance” and you can read more about it here.

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Photography Musings: Behold the Beauty

“All the beauty we behold in the world is simply a reflection of mind on where we have become willing to see our own innocence.” ~ Lessons in Love by Brad Oliphant


See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

Did you know I wrote a book? It’s titled “D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance” and you can read more about it here.

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(This post contains an amazon affiliate link to the book, “Lessons in Love”)