There’s nothing better than a walk with my loves – Thomas and Lillian. I cherish every walk taken with each one of them. Every walk …. Since they were wee tiny ones growing within me. Lillian and I have taken walks together for nearly 17 years! And Thomas and I for nearly 13 years! Love, sweet love. xoxo

Thomas and Lillian
We have come together upon this Earth
to travel our own separate paths
Yet, traveling them together.
It has not escaped my attention
that there were and are places
and experiences we talked and
dreamed of experiencing.
Our lives together seem to
have become mundane and boring.
Seeming to have the same days
over and over again.
With little new experiences
by way of sights, sounds,
and experiences.
Sadness and failure encroached
upon these shoulders and heart
As the message of how
important it is to
travel with one’s family.
Travel so as to have one to one
time together … away from the
normalcy and sameness of
being in the same place and routines.
Yet, before the cloud could
fully envelop this heart,
the heart whispered to
the sadness a response
so profound and enlightening
the sadness and failure
did halt and lift to be
transmuted to peace and knowing.
The heart whispered …
Each walk taken,
Each drive around
Each date day,
Each spontaneous trip
for simple life’s
Each trip to the park,
Each drive to a lookout
to watch the sunset or
have a car picnic,
Each occasion you chose
to make special …
Each of those times was
a trip to a beautiful
and everlasting destination.
You and your chidren
have taken many trips.
They may not be the
actual destinations the
three of you envisioned.
No. They are not.
Yet, each of these trips
led to destinations
that many may never get
a chance to experience.
The trip. The destination.
Within you it is.
Take it with you
always, you do.
This is the alchemy
of the heart.
Glory be.
Take notice of
your profound ability
to make something
out of seemingly nothing.
Know this.
And be free.
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
Amazing news! My 16 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” is published. Learn more and order here.
Wonderfully exciting news! My 12 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.
And my book published in 2012, D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance; which reached #2 in the Self-Help Category and #1 in Special Needs Parenting on Amazon.
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