Latest News: Words of Alchemy – Coming Soon

Celebration time! I finally finished Round 1 of filtering through writings for the next book! Many more rounds to go. Yet, getting that first one completed is nearly the hardest!

“Words of Alchemy” is under way and is a collection of poetry written from 2013 to current – the words that alchemized my life experiences over these past 6 years. I have the book cover designed in my mind. Hope to get an actual digital image soon.

I cannot believe I wrote that first poem in May 2013 – birthed by visiting Fallen Leaf Lake and Mount Tallac. I still remember how wild it felt having these words populate my mind and how compelled I felt to set them free. It was the beginning of the alchemy.

I never would have dreamed I would write a poem. Much less, having kept at writing them for 6 years. I’m sure mine aren’t considered traditional or classic poetry; but I’m also sure everyone knows what I think about labels. That’s right. Screw em.

I spent 2 hours researching what is considered poetry vs verse vs prose. It caused my head to spin and wonder what the heck. People spend valuable time and space arguing about what is a proper poem. Yet, if that makes them joyful … GO FOR IT!

I woke up the morning of April 25th with the feeling … perhaps knowing … that a huge cycle has completed for me. It is a most interesting feeling. Like I’m coming back around to interests I had as a child, remembering what excited me, what I loved doing. It’s not all there yet. All I know is … something pivotal has completed.

Writing and sharing snippets through social media is also healing and a way of shedding what no longer serves. When I write I can hardly contain the emotions I feel inside. The emotions are as hot as lava and as sweet as honeysuckle – from the pit of my belly all the way up to my throat. I am, indeed, compelled to share my experiences.

An excerpt from a previous post titled “The Alchemy of Writing” ….

” ….. Everything I write has been experienced and lived by me. When I sit to write, at times I listen to music, and at others I write in silence. I lay my fingers to rest on the keyboard of my well worn laptop. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and type a few words.

Camilla's laptop 7.14.18

Once the first few words appear on the screen, something within takes over. My heart begins to race with the excitement of opening a meticulously wrapped gift. I become lost in another dimension. My fingers and hands become warm, the veins in my hands rising like miniature mountains. Interestingly, forming a large H on my left hand and a large Y on my right hand. (Which happened as I was writing this passage ….. !!)

Left hand Typing 7.14.18 Right hand Typing 7.14.18

The words begin to flow as fast and smooth as water running from a faucet. I type as fast as my fingers and hands will allow. For which I am thankful for having had typing class in high school.

At times, I notice I have forgotten to take a breath for fear of missing the words that are streaming forth. Yet, I know the words I miss will return at some point or they will land with another to share in their own way. In the past I fretted over the words that go away. Now I know that it matters not. All comes forth in perfect timing.

The Alchemy

Writing is my witness, my alchemy, my soul song. Writing is my therapist, my medicine, my best friend, my parent, my sibling, and my lover.

It is the way I connect with life so that I can release it and to also receive advice, solutions, and be consoled. Writing alchemizes what I experience; guiding me to the lesson I am to learn, memories I am to remember and release, and to the Knowing of why I am experiencing whatever it is.

This is not to say that writing replaces any of these roles, it simply enhances them.

The Vow

I vow to write.

I vow to listen for what to write. I vow to write even if no one reads what is written. I vow to write even if it turns some away. I vow to write for the writing is the food that feeds my soul. I vow to write until the day I am no longer inhabiting this beautiful Earth.

I vow to write. And, I vow to let myself not write when the time calls for it; not feeling guilty or a failure for doing so.”

And, an excerpt from a previous post about why I write

” ….. My laptop became the couch I rest upon; while writing of my experiences became the therapist. This also serves as a tool for me to sync with life and for giving myself feedback for those experiences. Writing became an avenue to connect with and release the myriad of emotions and experiences of parenting.

The writing becomes an observer of my experiences. One that allows me to step away from the situation by pouring my heart onto the digital pages. I feel we all know in our heart the solution to tough parenting situations; or at the least, what would be the better of available options …… ” Go here to read further.

This is me in one of the pictures I love most … showcasing joy, peace and freedom … 2016 – taken by Thomas ..

See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

Amazing news! My 17 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” was published January 2018. Learn more and order here.

Wonderfully exciting news! My 13 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.

Go here to see latest soul writings. xoxo

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**Current Work In Progress as of Spring 2019: A Collection of Poetry. Tentatively titled, “Liberation – Words of Alchemy”.