February 28 2024
Yesterday’s hike was perfect (and a workout). All uphill for the first half. 🥵
July 12 2020
Amazing socially distanced hike around Spooner Lake, organized by Tahoe Herbivores. Walked a couple of miles, sat for lunch, and then another mile. Incredibly beautiful and peaceful. My first time here, so lots of photos.
Follow the link to see more beautiful photos …
The Beauty of Spooner Lake With an Art Showing of Clouds and Rare Purple
(from a recent walk at Scripts Wildlife Preserve – 2020)
I had mentioned in an earlier post that I would post an update with changes to where I focus my time.
In regards to MeetingtheAuthors.com, I will be posting less frequently. I absolutely love offering this venue to authors, and will continue to do so. I very much enjoy meeting authors and book bloggers around the globe. It’s deeply satisfying.
I had been posting two interviews a week, with either a Book Shelf, Meet the Book Blogger, or Friday with Friends post also. I’m taking it down to one interview per week, one Friday with Friends per month, one Meet the Book Blogger per month (or less if no book bloggers have returned responses to questions), with Book Shelf posts sporadically.
I’m notching down the amount of time spent on social media. For me that means facebook, twitter, and instagram. I will monitor each of them daily. However, I will only post and scroll through the feeds on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and half of Sunday.
I will continue to go for my beloved walks, taking photographs of nature, and try to have more day and overnight adventures with Thomas and Lillian (once we’re able to safely visit places.)
(A recent hike around Spooner Lake – 2020)
I am working on reassessing my personal goals, dreams, and how I want my life to look during my golden 50’s. I am working really hard at not feeling like I have to be giving to society in some way, shape, or form at all times, knowing that it is okay to just be.
This week and next I am working on a challenge from my friend, Leisa Peterson, author of the newly released book, The Mindful Millionaire. This challenge is helping me to think about generating money with what I love to do, using skills that I have and things I’ve already produced. I don’t typically like these kinds of challenges or classes, but I was moved to accept this one.
I absolutely want to write and publish more books. I’m pretty sure I won’t know what that looks like until later this year or early next year. In the mean time, I’ll continue to be open, listen to my intuition, my heart, and to take action when inspired, when it comes to adventuring and how to generate money.
I spent much time the week before last and beginning of this last week, researching and discussing with Thomas different schooling options. He’s been homeschooled for the last four years, and he wanted to try something different this year. Since this is his first year of high school, we needed to make sure he’s going to be covering what is needed for entering college if that’s the route he chooses.
His first day of his new schooling situation was Tuesday, the 18th. I think. HA! All the days run together these days. I still need to take a belated first day of school photo! 😜
He’s attending an online private school for this year. So far, for the future we are thinking that next year or the next, he’ll enter a dual credit situation where he finishes high school while also earning college credits. Things could change by then, but this is the plan for now.
He is absolutely loving it. It’s set up so that when he finishes a class, he can begin the next class, for the next grade right away. You do not have to spend an entire school year on the subject/class if you move through it quicker. We’ll see if he continues to enjoy it. He loves learning, and right now his favorite topic is World History. Once he finishes the 6 credits he’s taking now, we’ll look at the situation again.
Plus having conversations with Thomas about why his dad never calls him, as he contacts Lillian here and there. Doing my best to make sure he knows it has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with his dad, as he thinks his dad does not like him. Don’t get me wrong. I (mostly) don’t bad mouth his dad, yet it’s freakin’ breaking my heart.
I mean. He’s always had Thomas’s phone number. Lillian will text him to tell him Thomas is being mean to her, or whatever, and his response back is, that’s because he’s being raised by a single mother. He has no idea what an amazing and wonderful human Thomas is …. Last time I spoke to him, last December, I reminded him that he has Thomas’s phone number and to call or text him. His response was that he didn’t know what to say to him.
Also, working with Lillian to see where she would like to focus her energies, creating goals, and looking at possible classes that would be helpful for these. So far, it’s moving at the pace of a sloth … 😂😜🤣 … Here are a couple of photos of each of them on recent date days (I have a date day with each one of them once per month).
I will let all of this play out organically, not being rigid about any of it. That’s how I’m gonna roll with it … xoxo
PS – I wrote this on the 24th. During the challenge with Leisa today, the 25th, the guided meditation and a resource she provided helped me to know something about myself that I had never known. Blew my mind, brought sobs, and I feel so much better now than I had been feeling. Thank you, Leisa!!! xoxo
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
“Words of Alchemy”, published December 2019, is a free-verse poetry memoir covering the last 6 years of my life. The poetry of nature, the poetry of healing, the poetry of appreciation, the poetry of love, in one beautiful book.
Amazing news! My 18 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” was published January 2018. Learn more and order here.
Wonderfully exciting news! My 14 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.