Invaluable: Blog Mentoring Testimonial

“Feeling inspired to write on a particular topic, I kept putting off taking any action toward the goal. It occurred to me that if I started the process by beginning to write on a blog it would get me writing and provided a platform to be of service to others in the process.

Always captivated by Camilla’s enthusiasm and expertise at whatever she undertakes, I knew I could trust her to set up the blog without me having to figure out how to do it (which, to be honest, I know I would have never done!).

Camilla met with me and covered all of the details, giving me the opportunity to simply start writing. She has been readily available if I have any question, large or small, since I started posting.

Camilla’s assistance has been invaluable to me in taking real steps to launching this leg of my creative expression. I am grateful!” –Terry Lowey, M.S., M.F.T. Austin, Texas — Author of Secret of the Wizard’s Wand and Blogging about being Single at Terry Lowey –November 2013

**Note from Camilla: Terry and I met in 2007 in Reno. We established an immediate connection. She just recently moved to Austin and we continue to stay connected. I highly recommend visiting her blog. She is writing authentic and useful material that I am so in sync with … and you may find something that is exactly what you needed!

Terry wanted simple and basic just so she could begin writing. She knew if it was too complicated, she would not do it!

To learn more about Blog Mentoring, go here.

Latest News: Freelance Blogging and Writing

I have exciting news to announce! I’ve decided to completely and totally lean into writing and blogging … sometimes with wild, reckless abandon! HA!

I am making myself available for freelance opportunities as a blogger. Either for one time projects or on an ongoing basis. In addition to also making myself available for freelance writing opportunities for online magazines or publications.

My area of expertise is special needs parenting, and simple, natural, and inspired living. I am also able to expertly research additional topics utilizing my 10 years of paralegal experience and ongoing blogging and writing outreach.

Depending on the time commitment I will only be accepting one to a few projects at a time. If interested, contact me using this form about your blogging and writing needs.

PLUS!!!  I’m available on a limited basis for Blog Mentoring. Go here to learn more about it.