I thought it would be fun to look back at the movies I watched throughout 2018. I prefer to watch movies at home after they’ve been released on DVD. Nearly all of the movies we watch have been checked out from the library. Therefore, you will find these are not new release movies.
We don’t own a television and haven’t for nearly 10 years. I use a projector and portable DVD player and project the movie onto the living room wall.
“WOW!! I’m not even a sports enthusiast and I loved this movie! Oh my gosh! I loved it!! My heart is still pumped.
Any movie that portrays a people being their true selves and by doing so bringing joy, oneness, and inspiration to individuals and a people is more than worth the time to watch and absorb. Inspiring is too light of a descriptive.
Be you. Never be ashamed of being you. Shine your light. And. Watch this movie. Perhaps it’s where I’m at in my own journey that I find this so deeply meaningful.”
Go here to read what Lillian and Thomas thought of the movie … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/09/movie-night-pele/
“I love this movie! The underdog who proves all the naysayers wrong. Based on the true story of Eddie Edwards, British ski jumper in the 1988 Winter Olympics.”
Quote from the movie, “The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.” -Pierre De Coubertin, Founder of the Olympic Games … I needed that Mr. De Coubertin. Thank you!
To read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts, go here … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/08/movie-night-eddie-the-eagle/
I wish I had known when I was young what an amazing person this man was and that I had truly felt and heard the beautiful and timely messages of unconditional love and self worth. Yet, the echoes of that message remain and are known now. May that message continue to travel to all for an eternity. 💞💞💞
Go here to read what Thomas and Lillian had to say … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/10/movie-night-wont-you-be-my-neighbor/
- Only Yesterday –
Wonderful story of one coming to realize her oneness with nature and following her heart. So much loved it.
Visit this link to read Lillian and Thomas’ thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/02/movie-night-only-yesterday/
- Leoni –
Wonderfully inspiring and true story of Isamu Noguchi’s Mother, Leonie Gilmour.
Quotes from the movie –
“I studied so that I might express the joy and pain and profundity of being human. That’s what poetry does. Does it not? That’s what I wish to learn. No school can teach it – how to take what is at the deepest level of the soul and put it on a piece of paper..” – Leonie Gilmour in interviewing to be editor for Yone Noguchi’s novel, “An American Diary of a Japanese Girl”
“You’re art will be your weapon, you’re art will be your voice. There are no boundaries for an artist. No borders. Through art, you can speak all languages and lead a magnificent life anywhere.” -Spoken by Leonie to her son, Isamu.
“I wonder sometimes. Why was I so greedy in my youth. I now find beauty in simple existence. In abandoning all worldly desires. Just like a tree. Or a stone.” -Leonie Gilmour
Incredibly moving. I am left without words.
“Poems are my solace for the eternity that surrounds us all.” – Emily Dickinson
Writing. Period. Writing is the souls expression. Expressions of pain, of love, of knowing, of not knowing. To write is to share of oneself. To write is to share love. To write is to live. – Me
The above quote by Emily Dickinson struck me as I deeply understood it. I get lost in trying to understand some of her writings. Yet, I have such a deep appreciation for Emily Dickinson and her poetry as I understand from where the words come forth, even if my brain can’t make sense of it sometimes.
I read many books and content I don’t understand on the surface. Yet, I don’t let that stop me. I am drawn to take it in as I feel on some level I am understanding it.
Be you. No matter what. And. Believe. Great and inspiring story!!
Follow this link to read what Lillian and Thomas thought about the movie … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/01/movie-night-billy-elliot/
I really enjoyed this movie. I resonated with the mom character to points of sobbing. I resonated with the dynamic of having a younger sibling who assumes the role of an older sibling …. and harboring anger and sadness about having to assume that role. I highly recommend this for fellow special needs parents.
To read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts, go here … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/01/movie-night-phoebe-in-wonderland/
- Wonder –
Quote from the movie: “Everyone deserves a standing ovation at least once.”
What a mixture of emotions. Excitement, joy, love, and guilt from a place of failure. Such a WONDERful movie. My eyes are sweating streams.
Follow this link to read what Thomas and Lillian had to say … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/05/movie-night-wonder/
This was fun to watch! Plus, Thomas was so interested to learn more about P.T. Barnum that he studied more about him during the movie.
Love the ending quote, ‘The noblest art is that of making others happy.’
Wanna read Lillian and Thomas’ thoughts? Go here … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/05/movie-night-the-greatest-showman/
Absolutely loved this movie! A heart warming testament that things don’t have to be done the way they’ve always been done. It’s okay to do it different. All wrapped within the loving kindness of friendship and family.
Go here to read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/08/movie-night-ferdinand/
Beautiful true story of courage, strength, and grace. Loved it.
Go here to read what Lillian and Thomas have to say .. https://theteamtlc.com/2018/10/movie-night-queen-of-katwe/
- Radio –
What a beautiful story! Priorities and Kindness. An inspiring true story about priorities of the Heart and Loving Kindness. Loved it!
Want to know what Thomas and Lillian say? Go here … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/09/movie-night-radio/
- A Woman Called Golda –
Incredibly interesting to learn about Golda Meier and all this movie covered.
Go here to see Thomas and Lillian’s comments … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/04/movie-night-a-woman-called-golda/
This documentary is incredibly calming and simply beautiful in the amount of mindfulness that exudes from it. I could watch over and over. Not to mention being narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch … such a soothing voice he has. Watch it and spread the message.
Go here to see Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/03/extra-movie-night-walk-with-me/
- Kiki’s Delivery Service –
Third time around watching this one … A wonderfully inspiring movie about knowing ones inspiration and living from the heart. Just love this movie.
Go here to see how Thomas and Lillian feel about this one … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/09/movie-night-kikis-delivery-service/
I adore Judi Dench and the strong characters she plays. She’s funny. She’s no non-sense. She’s strong. And even more so, love the roles where her character remembers her humanity and compassion. Loved the Rumi quotes too.
Visit this link to read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/02/movie-night-victoria-and-abdul/
I watched this many, many years ago. Long before Thomas and Lillian. Oh, how I love this movie. It was incredibly moving and fun to watch this with Thomas. Loved every minute of it. A beautiful movie about listening to the messages we receive. Powerful!!
Go here to read Lillian and Thomas’ thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/03/movie-night-field-of-dreams/
- Harvey –
Easter weekend in 2014, Thomas and Lillian wanted to watch something with rabbits.
On such short notice this is what I came up with and we’ve watched it every year since! A 6 foot pooka in the form of a rabbit counts, right??? Plus, Josephine Hull and James Stewart are phenomenal in this.
Quotes from Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) …. “Every day is a perfect day.”
“I always have a wonderful time wherever I am and whoever I’m with.”
“In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so kind. For years I was smart. I recommend kind.”
Visit this link to read what Thomas has to say … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/04/movie-night-harvey/
Just love this movie. So glad Thomas chose it. “Play it again, Sam.”
Go here to read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/02/movie-night-casablanca/
This was our second time around for this one as both Thomas and Lillian love it. Love watching this classic with them!
Go here to see what they have to say … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/03/movie-night-singin-in-the-rain/
We had seen this several times; yet, Thomas chose it once again. There is so much one can say about this wonderful movie. So, I’ll just say I’m blessed to have used the spoonful of sugar theme during my early parenting years and have consistently used Supercalifragilisexpialidocious throughout parenting. It does indeed instantly change the mood!!
Go here to see what Lillian and Thomas have to say … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/05/movie-night-mary-poppins/
We’ve seen this several times as we watch it about once per year. Thomas wanted to see it again. We love Frank Capra movies!! I just adore this movie about a free spirited family. Funny and feels good! Plus, love the cast too!!
Visit this link to read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/11/movie-night-you-cant-take-it-with-you/
This has become a November/December tradition for us. We’ve been watching it for many Holiday seasons now. A philosophizing hobo who brings the Christmas spirit to anyone he befriends. Heartwarming story. Just love watching it.
Click through to this link to read what Thomas and Lillian have to say … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/12/movie-musings-it-happened-on-fifth-avenue/
A tradition for us to watch every Thanksgiving night. I adore this movie. Heartwarming and a beautiful reminder for anyone who needs reminding that life is wonderful.
Quote from the movie, “No man is a failure who has friends.” – Clarence, the Angel
Visit this link to read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/12/movie-night-its-a-wonderful-life-2/
Halloween night tradition for many many years to watch this. Just love this silly movie!
Go here to read Thomas and Lillian’s thoughts … https://theteamtlc.com/2018/11/movie-night-arsenic-and-old-lace-2/
We’ve watched this every October for many years now. Just a great feel good movie. Love watching it with Thomas and Lillian!
Go here to see what Thomas and Lillian have to say .. https://theteamtlc.com/2018/11/movie-night-the-canterville-ghost-2/
P.S. – There are amazon affiliate links in this post. This simply means that if you click through to read more about a movie and you make a purchase on Amazon, I earn a few cents and it does not increase the amount you pay. Thank you for your support. xoxo
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
Amazing news! My 17 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” is arriving January 2018. Learn more and order here.
Wonderfully exciting news! My 13 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.