Breda and Digipen and SCAD – College Acceptance for Thomas

January 16 2024

Oh my gosh!!!!! I’m so excited for Thomas Darnell!!!!! ❤️🎉🎉🎉❤️ Digipen has a 46% acceptance rate.

January 23 2024

Exciting times! 🎉🎉🎉 I’m sure Thomas will ace the interview!

Big decisions to be made in the next month or two. I am thrilled for Thomas Darnell!!
Breda University is in the Netherlands. It’s one of the top international colleges for a Game Design Degree.

I need an updated passport! Moving that to the top of my to do list!

January 24 2024

Right on! Thomas Darnell has now been accepted to their top 3 choices! Breda, Digipen, and SCAD!

SCAD is one of the top universities in the US for a Game Design degree, along with Digipen.

I’m so happy for Thomas that they have choices! ❤️🎉❤️ And super proud! Thomas has worked hard for this. The Breda application was the most difficult as Thomas had to create a game and have gamers test it, get feedback, and adjust it accordingly.


Throwback Post: D iz for Different Review: Invaluable Information


October 9 2012:

Thank you Mark Sogard for the GREAT Amazon review … appreciate it tons and tons!!

“While it is a breath of fresh air to see a book written for parents of special needs children,do not think that if you don’t have any special needs children you won’t get anything from this book. Not only does it contain invaluable information for special needs parents, it contains inspiring uplifting tips for the journey at the end of every chapter-and who doesn’t need that type of help in this fast paced society that we live in? Very well written and inspiring.”

Throwback Post: Sunset Picnic by the Lake and Nature Art Show

October 8 2015:

Sunset picnic dinner by the lake.

As I was getting everything ready, I was thinking, “Geez. This is too much work.” Had more of those thoughts as I was pulling the cart to the other side of the lake. And even more of those thoughts as my food was being hovered over by a bee.

But then nature created an amazing, colorful, art show in the sky. The art show along with seeing Thomas sitting on a big rock reading his book, and Lillian’s excitement completely erased those feelings. Yep. It was worth it. xoxo

The Remaining Steps of Transition Planning for Lillian

January 13 2024

Just finished with this workshop. Thank you to my co-workers at NCED and Family Navigation Network for putting this together. Specifically, Maria Barber, who took charge and got these arranged!

Future planning with having a special needs child is one of the most worrying, heavy adulting tasks to maneuver. Especially for a parent or caregiver who has limited or no one to serve as Trustee for their loved one. It has been weighing so heavily on me, for years.

During this workshop, I finally got over myself, and sent a message to my much younger step-sister, Heather, to ask if she would be willing to serve as Trustee should Thomas not want to do it, or couldn’t for some reason. She texted back that she would and when I tell you that lifted such weight from my shoulders and made me cry right there in that Zoom window, I am speaking the truth. I feel like I’ve had a deeply relaxing massage, so much relief and weight lifted.

Now I’ve just got to get the paperwork done. That seems easy now. Onward!!! And I just made the appointment to get that started. Hallelujah! 🎉❤️❤️❤️🎉

The Alchemy of Writing – Monday Night Poetry

January 13 2024

Monday Night Poetry celebrates 2 years of once a week gatherings! I’ve only been participating since May 2023 and am deeply grateful I decided to step out of my comfort zone last May. This is the absolute best group of folks!! ❤️🎉❤️

The Alchemy of Writing

Originally written in 2019, Modified January 2024

Writing = Poetry

a sanity saving bridge that has led to peace and solutions.
Single parenting two children,
losing nearly everything,
choosing to dig deep within,
led me on a journey for which I had no map.
Through writing
Creating the map as I travel this wild life journey.
Writing led to acceptance
Acceptance of myself
Acceptance of my role as sole parent
to two unique and beautiful children.
Writing brought solid steps to take
Writing has been a shining thread of grace that connected my heart and mind along this life journey.
And still is.
Writing that first poem in January 2013.
It felt wild having these words populate my mind
It was an indescribable feeling,
Being compelled to set these words free.
It was the beginning of the alchemy.
Alchemy which continues to this day.

When I write
the emotions I feel within cannot be contained.
They are as hot as lava and as sweet as honeysuckle,
from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.
I write while listening to music,
or while immersed in the sounds of family,
or in silence.
I touch my fingers to the keyboard
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and type a few words.
Once the first few words appear on the screen,
something within takes over.
My heart begins to race with the excitement of anticipation.
I become lost in the flow of words.
My fingers and hands become warm,
the veins in my hands rising like miniature mountains.
The words begin to flow as fast and smooth
as water running from a faucet.
I type as quickly as my fingers and hands will allow.
At times, I notice I have forgotten to take a breath
for fear of missing the words that are streaming forth.
Writing is my witness,
my soul song.
Writing is my therapist,
my medicine,
my best friend,
My lover,
my parent,
and my advisor.
Writing alchemizes what I experience.
My laptop becomes the couch I rest upon;
while writing my experiences becomes the therapist.
Writing becomes an avenue to connect with
and release the avalanche of emotions
and experiences of life.
It is through writing that I find myself.
It is through writing that I allow myself to physically feel emotions.
It is through writing that I connect with the unlovely events of the past
It is through writing that past and present events
are alchemized and released.
This has been my journey to consciousness,
to living from my heart,
to peace.
At times, I skirted the healing that called to be addressed.
At others, I walked directly into the triggers,
with pain from the past that festered like a venomous poison
coursing through my cells and bones.
I walked into the pain with fear,
yet with love to embrace what part of me feared to let myself know
and physically feel.
It has been incredibly difficult at times,
yet deeply freeing.

Happy 2nd Birthday to this amazing, warm venue
Overflowing with talented writers
Each who create their own unique alchemy
Breathing life into their creations
With the power of writing.

January 2024

Pax to the Max – Birthday Party with Poetry Friends

January 7 2024

What a fun afternoon celebrating my Monday Night poetry friend’s birthday! Happy birthday to you Pax! 🎉🎉🎉 Pax to the Max!!! Took some photos in front of the Pax Wall. 🤣🤣🤣 Got to dancing and didn’t take anymore. Oops!

Forward Thinking Pays Off

January 7 2024

When Thomas was 1 year old, and Lillian 5 years old, I purchased their domain names. One of the best forward thinking decisions I’ve made. Thomas is going to be using it for their resume for college applications, and later an online portfolio. 🎉🎉🎉

Thomas has their site live now. Check it out! I think it looks great!!



A Game of Twister Hands

January 6 2024

Last night I was reminded of something our friend Matt Miller commented while having dinner with us at one of the C18 conferences years ago.

He laughed and said something like, the 3 of you (Team TLC) would make a great realty TV show.

The three of us haven’t done a creative activity together in years. The past two nights we worked on this puzzle together (my birthday gift to Lillian last year).

Imagine 3 neurodivergent folks, one with hand tremors, one with shaky hands, and all with the ability to hyper focus, getting anxious trying to get the right pieces in the right places. It’s like we were playing a game of Twister with our hands. It was cracking me up! And I think it brought joy to all of us! ❤❤❤

We lost one piece along the way somewhere. Maybe Basil knows where it is.

After we finished, time stood still for a moment as I watched Lillian walking around the house half-naked, like it’s no big deal and totally normal, Thomas frantically working on a deadline, and me making songs out of everything. Totally normal stuff, right? Ha!

Like the neighbor walks by with their dog. I finally remember the dogs name, Mickey. So then I start singing, Hey Mickey, you’re so fine, Hey Mickey, Hey Mickey. Then I have to look that song up and add it to my walking playlist.
Love my life.

Found the missing piece!

Signing Off and Saying Goodbye to 2023

December 31 2023

I asked Basil his thoughts for 2023. He says as long as you relaxed and cleaned your paws, it was a fabulous year! 🎉🐾🎉

Chad Basil the First has declared 2024 to be The Year of Smoked Salmon. He had smoked salmon for the first time last night. Let me just say, it’s a good thing he can’t actually talk because he would have been begging us for more. As long as he gets to have more smoked salmon this year, he will be HAPPY!! 💯🎉💯

Thomas made spicy, Parmesan pretzel rods and macaroni salad. I’m having a hibiscus gin & tonic (yum) and we’ve got different cheeses, apple, pear, chips, dips, and smoked salmon for later, followed by some bubbly. Feels like there’s the perfect movies to go along with these. 🎉

Slight correction. “…. My Grand kitty’s little forehead, bro.” Isn’t he so cute with that lil white mustache? I’m out y’all. See you in 2024! 🎉💋🎉