Recipe: No Powdered Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting

The Search

In my attempt to move further and further away from using refined foods, I made a mouth watering cream cheese frosting for my daughter’s birthday cake.

Cream cheese frosting is so easy to make and has an amazing, unique flavor! I got so many requests for the recipe that I thought I’d share it here for everyone.

They Loved It!

Lillian’s birthday party guests could not got enough of it. These young ladies asked for seconds and even asked for the recipe to take home! One sweet girl said she never eats the frosting on cake and that she LOVED this frosting. I agree with her, I don’t care for most frostings as they are too sweet and I can taste that horrid dye!


1/3 cup butter (If I have it on hand, I use Purity Farm Organic Ghee, Clarified Butter, 13-Ounce and if not, I use Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter – Unsalted (8 ounce))
3/4 cup coconut palm sugar (I use Big Tree Farms Organic Coconut Sugar, Blonde, 16-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 6)) (Update 1.17.16: I play around with the amount of coconut sugar. I measure 3/4 of a cup and then slowly add it in until it’s at a desired sweetness. It’s always different!)
1 cup cream cheese
1/2 tsp. vanilla (I use Simply Organic Pure Vanilla Extract — 4 fl oz)


Cream butter and sugar. Add cream cheese and vanilla and mix until smooth.

Since coconut sugar is being used instead of fine powdered sugar, let the frosting rest for about 10 minutes several times. Keep mixing until it’s smooth, silky, and a beautiful medium blonde color.

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Other Ideas

I made this frosting to top our almond cookies too. Oh my goodness! YUM! Try it on all your favorite cookies and cakes.

*I cheated for the actual cake. I used a gluten free cake mix; which I didn’t like as much as others I’ve tasted. When I find one I like or find a recipe I like I’ll post it on the blog.

Happy 13th Birthday Beautiful Lillian!

See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

Amazing news! My 17 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” is arriving January 2018. Learn more and order here

Wonderfully exciting news! My 13 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.

(To help support my blogging I will include an Amazon link to items I use. I LOVE sharing my journey and choices with you and this just helps to keep me going!) 

Go here to see the latest soul writings.

I Am An Artist

As I completely lean into writing and blogging, I am tweaking the website a bit to bring more clarity to the type of content one can expect to find here.

“Be Mindful … Super-sized thoughts with a wee bit of photographs, recipes and tips.” (And, possibly soon, some other type of art. We shall see where my experimentation leads with this.)

This website and blog bring together all the pieces of my life, like a snapshot. I am a writer, author, blogger, photographer, an artist, and a life coach. I am Mom to 8 year old Thomas and 12 year old Lillian. (**Update: Lillian is 14 years old now and Thomas is 9 years old.)

Lillian has a chromosome abnormality simply called 18p-. This means she is missing a piece of the short arm of chromosome #18. Her younger brother, Thomas, is an amazing and loving helper!

I love taking pictures with my mobile devices. Currently an iPhone 3G and a Samsung Galaxy Tab (mine is a Model gt-p3113). I purposely shoot all photos with these devices as I don’t choose to invest in a fancy camera and/or deal with and learn all the details involved and to show others we can easily and economically capture the beauty and awe of nature anywhere and anytime. (**Update: Now using an iPhone 4G and I have an instagram account for posting pictures as time allows … @camilladowns …)

I love writing about mindful, inspired, simple living as it relates to the choices I make, daily living, being a parent, experiencing nature and …. food.

I am inspired by this place I have chosen as our home … Reno, Nevada. When he was 7 years old, my son, Thomas, summed it up with one beautifully crafted comment. “It’s like we are at an art show and nature keeps changing the art for us.”

I freely and openly share my journey as I sail through life. The ups, the downs, the loop the loops. I have good days, I have bad days. I share in the hopes that you will find at least one nugget to take away and apply to your own life. My wish is that you become inspired, your own passion to simplify life is ignited, or a path to mindful living is illuminated.

I am available for freelance writing opportunities and guest blogging. I’m a life coach too! Contact me here to inquire further.

**Disclosure: I am not an expert on how anyone should be or could be living their life; except for my own …. and that’s only sometimes! I attempt to be non-judgmental and to allow others to BE! Go forth and BE MINDFULLY YOU!

(To help support my blogging I will include an Amazon link to items I use or you will see google ads from time to time. I LOVE sharing my journey and choices with you and this just helps to keep me going!) 

Recipe: Homemade French Fries

We LOVE fries in The Team TLC Casa. However, I don’t love the frozen version in the grocery store. They have so many added ingredients. The frozen fries with the least amount of ingredients I have found are at Trader Joe’s. They only have about two or three ingredients but sugar is one of them. I’ll have our fries without sugar, thank you!

Here’s how I make the perfect home made fries for us. This also works with sweet potatoes … which are simply delicious!! In addition, I have made carrot fries using this recipe!

Homemade French Fries


3 good sized organic medium Russet potatoes (or however many your family will eat .. I just guessed at first. Now I know we will eat about 3 medium potatoes between us.)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil – I use Trader Joe’s Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (amazon affiliate link)
Sunflower Seed Oil – I use Trader Joe’s brand Sunflower Seed Oil.
Coconut oil, softened – I use Trader Joe’s Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (amazon affiliate link)
Olive Oil or Coconut Oil Pan Spray – I use Trader Joe’s Extra Virgin Italian Olive Oil Spray and Trader Joe’s Coconut Oil Non Stick Cooking Spray (amazon affiliate links)
Sea salt to taste
Garlic Powder to taste
White Pepper to taste
I’ve also used Cumin and Onion Powder. Have fun with this. Get creative and make a different flavor every time!


Preheat oven to 425˚. Use a small knife like the one pictured above to peel the potatoes. Next use a BIG knife to slice the potato into whatever size french fries your family likes. We like skinny. There are two reasons I prefer to do this the old-fashioned way instead of using fancy gadgets. I like simplicity and I don’t want those gadgets cluttering my cabinets and drawers and I like that not all the fries are the same size. I like fries more on the crisp side, Lillian likes them more on the soft side and Thomas doesn’t really care! This covers all three of us! As you are slicing add the fries to a medium bowl filled with cold water.

Allow the fries to rest in the water until you are ready to cook them. When you are ready to prep them, lay out an absorbent dish towel. Rinse the fries good and then pour them onto the towel to remove excess moisture. Use a paper towel or clean dish towel to dry the potato slices and the bowl. Pour them back into the bowl.

Add a drizzle or glug of olive oil, some shakes of salt and whatever other spice you are using and mix well. Add a drizzle or glug of sunflower seed oil and shake of salt and mix again. I like to use coconut oil too. I mix it up.

Next, I spread aluminum foil over a big pizza pan and spray with either Olive Oil or Coconut Pan Spray. I’ve not tried this without the aluminum foil so don’t know if they would stick to a pan without it. Then pour the fries onto the pan and spread them apart. Place in the oven and set a timer for 20 minutes. Check the fries at that time and I also add a little more salt at this time. Keep checking them every 5 minutes after this until done to your families liking. Should be another 10-15 minutes.

Thomas LOVES dipping his in Trader Joe’s Organic Ketchup (amazon affiliate link) … I love this ketchup too. It does have sugar but we don’t use much so it doesn’t add much sugar to our meals. Thomas likes it on his sandwiches too!!!

Now! Enjoy those yummy taters y’all!

This article is now part of my inventory in Recipes.

I enjoy taking the time to share information with y’all that I think is helpful and will help you enjoy Mindful Living. So, if you feel this helped you in any way, toss a tip into the tip bowl on the way out of Recipes.

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