Throwback Post: Spend More Time With Them


This would have been some time in 2015 or 2016. Not sure of the exact date.

(Photo from Pexels)

Since July I have been making it a point to set “coffee dates” with people I already know and have a friendship with and people I know only from facebook who share a similar path.

This is what I have to say about that and how meaningful I think it is for everyone.

Those times when you’re spending time with those who you feel completely and utterly yourself with, talking about things that are meaningful to all of you, with those who get you.

Those times when two and a half hours feels like 30 minutes. Those times when you are saying goodbye all the way out the door and to their cars as they leave …

I got to have one of those afternoons and it blessed my heart and soul. Thank you Melinda Bourke Blackwell and Barbara Richmond Chastain. Our time together today was inspiring and we overflow with gratitude for your support of Thomas and his upcoming book. xoxo

**November 2021 Update** I miss those times. The pandemic put a hold on coffee and lunch chats. I will cherish it when we resume these wonderful blessings!

What about you? Do you know that feeling I’m talking about?

See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

“Words of Alchemy”, published December 2019, is a free-verse poetry memoir covering the last 6 years of my life. The poetry of nature, the poetry of healing, the poetry of appreciation, the poetry of love, in one beautiful book.

Amazing news! My 20 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” was published January 2018. Learn more and order here

Wonderfully exciting news! My 15 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.