The Heart of It – National Poetry Month – April 15th

April is National Poetry Month. I’m going to attempt to write one poem every day this month. Today’s poem: 15/30 – April 15th.

(South Lake Tahoe, August 2023, Taken by me)

The Heart of It

When I think of summer
I think of —

Dandelions dotting the landscape
Tall sunflowers
With their head facing the sun

Japanese honeysuckle vines
With their tiny bubble of hidden nectar

Roasted sweet corn
Slathered in butter
Juicy sweet pineapple

And fresh squeezed lemonade
And homemade banana pudding

Happy vibes
Blooming with every tulip,
every daffodil

Popsicles that instantly melt
Dripping down the hand

The bright sun
Drenching everything in warmth


Iridescent bubbles
French vanilla Ice cream
Tropical flavored snoballs


Golden sand
Beach waves
Lake Tahoe

Swallowtail butterflies
Cricket chirps

When I think of summer —

I think of creativity blooming

Camilla Downs, 2024

**I mixed two prompts. Monday Night Poetry prompt of “Bloom” and this one: Prompt – A poem that collects images the way a magpie collects shiny things in its nest. Collect images of yellow things, arranged to create a meaningful poem.

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