One Last Still-Living-At-Home Date Day with Thomas

July 31 2024

At Thomas’s request, one more date before they move out tomorrow. They wanted to go where we spent loads of time on date days, and going for walks.

Anyone who’s been with us for a while knows that we used to go for a walk every day and had a date day once a month, since Thomas was 1-year-old.

I am deeply grateful that we did, that we made these memories.

Here’s to us, here’s to you, Thomas, my sunshine, a huge chunk of my heart. We did it, we did it, we did it. I am so freaking thrilled for us!

Tomorrow, we do the damn thing!! Towanda! 🖤💋💋💋🖤

January 2024 Date Day – Camilla and Thomas

January 21 2024

Date day with Thomas. GreatFull Gardens for lunch followed by a short hike in Galena.

I have loved every single date day with Thomas since they were 1 year old. We had a date once a month up until about a year ago; slowed down due to the intense school schedule.

The date days have gotten better and better, authentic and rich with conversation and laughter. ❤️❤️❤️

Throwback Post: Thomas and Camilla October 2015 Date Day


October 10 2015:

The October 2015 Thomas and Camilla date day begins with a light lunch on the patio amongst the trees … And pumpkins! Part 1 – xoxo

HDMS Chili Festival – part 2

Home Means Nevada ice cream with sage and pine nuts. Then Bartley Ranch. – part 3

Bartley Ranch and Audrey Harris park – part 4

last stop at the library to pick up books Thomas had placed on hold. Bonus! They had a photo booth! HA!!!

Throwback Post: Thomas and Camilla October 2013 Date Day


Date day with Thomas … 1st stop Grassroots Books with 12 bags of books to turn in! Second stop ……. The Barber Shop! He can see again! Thanks Frank for springing for the much needed haircut!

Next stop on the date ….. YUMMY FOOD! We shared bread pudding … oh my good grief!!! So good we looked like a couple of pigs at feeding time!

Next stop on our date …. Window shopping! We looked at every single lego set in Toys r Us and left a fun message on a whiteboard! Woooohooooo!

Last stop on our date …. saved the best for last! Beautiful, magnificent, awesome …. NATURE = LOVE!

The Best Date Night

July 23 2023

I had the best date tonight! Thomas leaves tomorrow for two and a half weeks, visiting friends in Philadelphia (and hopefully connecting with our C18 friends, Mike & Cierra!)

Thomas made me laugh so hard. Especially when they said I’m not like any of their friend’s parents, and that I’m normal. What? I’m normal. Thomas says they mean I’m a normal human. We had such rich conversation tonight. I plan on doing as much of this as possible before they leave for college next summer.

We went to Royce for burgers. I had the portobello burger. So good. Then stopped for ice cream at Icecycle Creamery for Thomas.

Ending with a stop at Aubry Harris Park, talking about the many years of memories here and Bartley Ranch. Car picnics while enjoying the view, scavenger hunts, and walks. My heart bursts with joy that we had all of these experiences together.