September 28 2024
Deep dive into my classes. Writing About Literature – I’m very much enjoying this class. We are being taught how to do a close read and analyze texts using critical thinking skills. Fortunately, it seems I landed with one of the coolest, laid back professors for this class. (Thanks to Thomas for the “rate my professor” website tip!)
We are reading three banned books, analyzing a chunk at a time in class. We each had to choose one of these books for a full length literary analyses. Then we will create a mock school board meeting where each of us has to either defend the ban or defend against banning the book we chose to analyze.
The books:
Flamer (we are reading now)
The Bluest Eye
The Poet X (I chose this one) The author is a spoken word poet. Of course I chose this one!!
We are having some pretty lively discussions analyzing the text and about book bans.
We were in groups last week to analyze cartoon texts. I commented to my group members that one of the ideas our cartoon was conveying was about not reinventing the wheel. Lawd have mercy! I guess I showed my age with that one as they all looked at me like I was crazy and had no idea what that meant! I had to explain it.
Onward with my Spidey senses, or something like that with these selfies! Oh, and if I haven’t responded to you, or you haven’t heard from me; this is taking all my spoons, brain power, and socializing energy!! When I get home, I’m depleted!!