you can’t see them – National Poetry Month – April 24th

April is National Poetry Month. I’m going to attempt to write one poem every day this month. Today’s poem: 24/30 for April 24th

you can’t see them (title from Jericho Brown’s “Lenoir”)

They don’t leave their
hiding places
Unless it’s dark

They hide in cracks and crevices
Behind appliances
Within cabinets and drawers
underneath the covers
Inside shoes

If it’s quiet
You can hear them
Scurrying across surfaces

Dark brown body
Their wings folded onto
The shiny slick back
Multiple thin legs
With a long pair of antennae

You can find them
In abundance
At a fishing camp
In Grande Isle, Louisiana
Inside one of the trailers

If you visit
Be sure to take along
A sleeping bag
One of those that
zips all the way around
You’ll want to zip yourself
Into it when the lights go out

If Aqua Net hairspray is still sold
Take some of that with you too
It’s a formidable weapon
If you go to war with them

Unless you have a strong stomach
I wouldn’t suggest stepping on them
Or squishing them with anything
The popping noise
And squished body
Just may cause you to vomit

When we are no longer
Roaming the earth
I guarantee you
This unpleasant creature will
Outlast the human race

The Louisiana
flying cockroach

Camilla Downs, 2024

*Prompt: Jericho Brown’s poem Lenoir is strong and packed with powerful language. Use one line from this poem as a title.