April is National Poetry Month. I’m going to attempt to write one poem every day this month. Today’s poem: 25/30 for April 25th
hullabaloo while sleeping
It was a family gathering
With my Italian step-dad’s
extended family
I think it was Christmas
Everyone was excited
Dozens of conversations happening
All at once
I didn’t think I would have gifts
As it seemed as if no one really knew me
I turned around to find a pile of gifts
Addressed to me
With others urging me to open them
It was loud
Everyone was talking
Everyone was laughing
Did I mention all the pasta dishes?
Loads of pasta
Minutes later alarms were sounding
It was chaos
Everyone was scrambling to get
out of the house
There was a fire in one of the rooms
I did not evacuate
I decided to locate the cause of the fire
My laptop had caught on fire
I kept thinking
Why would my laptop spontaneously combust?
Was I writing too much?
Somehow I put the fire out
My laptop still worked
But some of the keys were melted
Everyone began to calm down
I sat perplexed with a half-melted laptop
It was then that I woke up thinking
What the hell was that all about?
An otherworldly experience
In the comfort of your own bed
Camilla Downs, 2024
Prompt: Write a poem that includes a one-word stanza, anywhere other than at the end. Combined with this one: Prompt: Write a poem about a dream.