The Tao of Letting Go

“Make like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” – Rumi

Surrendering and letting go are key to true happiness and success.

Letting Go of Material Items

Most of us have books (insert any other material item) that have been meaningful to us. These books were the perfect content for us to be reading at the perfect time. Yet, our path has continued and we are in a different place now and reading different material.

When we can let go of these material items from our past that were so meaningful, we make way for the newness of the NOW. Again, this can apply to any material item.

I have experienced this first hand when I cleaned and purged the garage and house in 2011. This led to many shifts for me to include writing and publishing a book. I shed about 20 pounds during the process and made the decision to become certified as a coach. The letting go is something that is felt on a physical, mental, and spiritual level within us.

Steps to ease the release:

  • Take a picture of the item if it holds dear memories
  • Bless the item and thank it for bringing joy into your life
  • Know that memories reside in your mind and not in the item
  • Hold a ceremony to do the above, release the item, and let it go

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu

Letting Go of Emotions

When uncomfortable memories re-surface, it may be that we did not and have not let ourselves physically feel that emotion. This applies whether it was years ago or days ago. If we take the time to focus on how it physically feels in our body and stick with it, not analyzing it or getting caught up in the story of it, the emotion will let go.

Steps to ease emotional release:

  • Be in a quiet location where you will not be disturbed
  • Focus on your breath. Taking three long breathes in and out.
  • Think about where you physically feel the emotion that accompanies the memory
  • When the mind wants to hook into the story of the emotion, gently release those thoughts
  • Remain focused on where you feel the emotion in the body and how it feels. Is it tight, sharp, throbbing, etc.?
  • Place focus in that area. Follow it as it moves around.
  • Place your hands in the area if that helps to focus on it
  • Breath into the area
  • If you are moved, send love to the area
  • Stay with it as long as you can or until it releases some or releases altogether

I have and do actively practice this as well. Neither one of these “Letting Go” practices are fun. Although the purging can have an “excitement and anticipation for the new” feeling and we can choose to approach this with curiosity. Yet, the benefits are that we are not held back from old deep thought patterns and stories.

**LOVE OFFERING** If you find this content helpful, I invite you to toss a tip in the love offering bowl. With oceans of gratitude … Camilla ….


We are free to be our true selves, to tap into the treasure within and allow a river of creativity to flow forth …. to be shared for the benefit of others. Love, Sweet Love … xoxo

Letting Go – Personally

Recently, I let go of “The Desk” (the new term we’ve coined for my desk that’s been in storage limbo since June 2015). The Desk was handmade for me some time around 1999. I spent countless hours at that desk. The Desk witnessed many moves, life happenings, and events. 

I had a strong knowing that I was to let it go. Not only that, but I knew the exact person who was to receive The Desk. I related this to the Rumi quote about which had crossed my path recently.

The Desk had become a “dead leaf” for me. I chose to let it go so as to create new fertile ground for creativity and imagination. What had become a dead leaf for me has now created new grounds for the creativity and imagination of a friend; for she had to let go of her own “dead leaves” to make way for the new.

Before I had the strong knowing that I was to let go of The Desk, I was struggling with doing just that. One moment I had confusion, the next moment I knew that since there was such confusion about it, I must let it go.

Thomas and I delivered it to my friend and it was let go with no regrets. Sharing this with love and encouragement that you let go of thoughts, stories or material items so as to make way for the new. 

This post was inspired by a client session followed by a blog post I read titled, “A Lesson in Letting Go”, from Sacred Science. There’s a wonderful letting go ceremony included in the blog post.

Interested in having me speak at an event or gathering on this topic? Contact me here. If you like my techniques and energy and feel you’d like guidance with living mindfully, please contact me. You can also visit this page to learn more.  

Heartfuly Inspired,
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

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