Creativity and Resourcefulness

As I was driving through my neighborhood on the way home from taking Thomas & Lillian to school this morning I saw one of my neighbors standing in the middle of the street with a bucket and shovel. I slowed down, put my window down and said, “What are you doing?” with a big ole smile. Apparently I missed our wild horse visitors earlier. She said, “I’ve got two more flowers to plant and I’m gonna use this.” I said “What a good idea and that’s so resourceful.” She said, “Well, that’s what we did during the War and after the War too.” (She’s an older gal from Germany.) We chatted for a minute. I smiled and told her to have a great day.

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As I drove home I was thinking …. “And you were letting the worry bug start invading your thoughts ….” Served as a good reminder to give worry the boot and know that we are creative and resourceful people and that anything is possible!!! Here’s to creativity and resourcefulness and to not letting worry block said creativity and resourcefulness y’all!! ♥ ♥ ♥

This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.  

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