September 24 2023
Monday Night Poetry! I read some oldies, plus a work-in-progress. I’m not ready to share the WIP yet so here’s the oldies.
Water Dance
As the suns reflection
Becomes a dancer
Of the water,
She takes by the hand
the one who walks.
She whispers sweet reminders,
To the walkers heart.
She dances elegantly.
She dances of love and grace.
She dances unknown
To many who see her
Only with the eyes.
For those that catch
Glimpses of her water dance
Life loses the illusions
of trickery.
She dances to
Guide them in
Remembering what
Their hearts continue
To know.
She reminds them
They are all different.
Yet, they are all the same.
We are they.
They are we.
The hand she
Took the walker by
Melts into the Sun.
The Sun swallows her
And she swallows the Sun.
They become One.
The one who walks
continues her
Walk of life
Having been reminded
Of what the brain had clouded.
What the heart always knows.
And lo, free and lighter, she continues to Walk.
-©️2018, Camilla Downs
The Space Within
There is a space within
A space occupied, it was.
Occupied with judgment
Occupied with harshness
Occupied with unkind thoughts
towards others.
There is a space within
where the darkness
of judgment used to live.
Judgment lives
here no more.
It has been.
There is a space within.
A soft space of love
of compassion
of empathy
of understanding.
For a journey
of a thousand miles has
been lived with
the understanding
that each one of us
has traveled a similar journey.
To be sure,
not the same journey.
No, not the same.
That matters not.
Each has traveled a journey
of a thousand miles.
And each viewed not
according to their journey,
yet viewed with eyes
that flow from the heart.
A heart that knows the two
are connected,
viewed with eyes flowing
from the heart that only
knows unconditional love.
Eyes wide open to
the Truth of each one’s journey.
The Truth that judgment of another is
simply a reflection of judgment
held within one towards oneself.
There is a space within,
a space that was once filled with
the darkness of judgment.
A space that is now
available for compassion
and love for one self and others.
Space to breath easier
Space to live easier
space to live peacefully
Space to allow all to BE
and travel the paths chosen.
There’s a space within.
A Beautiful Space.
May we all release
and expose this space within
for the Beauty it reveals.
-2018 Camilla Downs
This poem flowed forth from the below words I had written at a different time regarding judgments and compassion. For some reason I saved them. Now, I know why.
” ……. The space within me that held the weight of so many judgments …
Judgments against people who thought and felt differently, judgments against single moms, judgments against parents whose kids act out and the kids too.
Every single time one of those judgments was released, a cushion of compassion took its place. There are still some wee judgments hiding in there.
Some that stay hidden and some that peek out to see if its safe. Within me is not a safe zone for judgments … You are released and a warm, soft, loving cushion of compassion takes your place.”
Shining Star Bag
You can take
All the hearts
Nature puts forth
And put them
All in a bag
Made of stars
Wrapped in a
Bow of beautiful
Green grass.
But there’ll be
Days when no
Matter the beauty
No matter the love
No matter the
Depth of knowing
How the Light
Shines within.
There’ll be days
When a heaviness
Envelops and that
Shining star bag
Full of love means.
Absolutely nothing.
There’ll be days
When the sweetness
And beauty of
Every breath
Is not felt or seen.
Yet, these days
Shall pass.
These days
Shall pass.
Pass, they shall.
And waiting will
Be that shining star
Bag of hearts
And love.
For Nature is
Nature is ever there
With love and light.
The Seed Pod
-2017 Lessons from Nature