June 22 2024
Hot and Salty
The taste of satisfaction
Is one of my favorite flavors
Whirling into my nostrils
Dancing between my lips
Sliding through the spaces
Between my teeth
Gliding over my tongue
Lighting up my taste buds
The taste of satisfaction
Sweet and savory
Satisfaction an eagle coursing
Through my veins
Satisfaction a honeysuckle bloom
Freed from its vine
The scent escaping from my skin
Satisfaction the flavor
Released when the results
Of past decisions
Grow to bear
Desired fruits
Satisfaction the flavor
Released when life
Blooms sweet memories
From past darkness, harshness
Satisfaction the flavor
Released when words
Flow, come together
Linking the puzzle pieces of language
to sync with readers or listeners
The taste of satisfaction
the flavor released from the love language
I give to myself
By having the courage
To be vulnerable
The courage to say yes
The courage to say no
The courage to get up
And do the things
Grabbing ahold of life
Speaking, Dancing, Laughing
The courage to wake up
And heal, releasing my mind
Loving myself
Giving myself stability
The taste of satisfaction
A little bit hot
A little bit salty
Is one of my favorite flavors
June 17 2024
Prompt: Turn your favorite flavor into a paragraph