Throwback Post: Fifty Things I Am Proud Of


(Written sometime in 2017)

(from a July 2020 walk – taken by me)

**2020 Updated Content in Bold** This was inspiring and fun to stumble across. 

50 Things I Am Proud of:

  1. Wrote and published a book in less than a year with no money (4 published now)
  2. Organized and Published Thomas’ book with very little money in less than a year
  3. Sorted and organized and published Lillian’s book in less than a year with no money
  4. Raised Thomas and Lillian alone … so far. Lillian 16 and Thomas 12. (18 and 14 now)
  5. Had a natural child birth with both of them.
  6. Awakened and become enlightened to compassion and love of all beings, animals, and nature.
  7. Become vegetarian. (Vegan since 2018)
  8. Volunteering with Lillian at the Library (We were still doing this up until COVID. Library is re-opening today, but only for picking up holds. No volunteers yet.)
  9. Volunteering with Thomas at the Humane Society (Same except they are ready for volunteers again.)
  10. Become comfortable in my own skin and this body and no longer wearing makeup (Still not wearing make-up, except for colored lip balm – I have no f**** to give about this .. )
  11. Loving trees (My love of trees has grown even more)
  12. Passing the Library Testing with the acceptable percentage (I would love to work part time in the library … still waiting!)
  13. My daily meditation practice (Currently on break from this, and will resume in 2021)
  14. My walking practice (Still doing this)
  15. Learning about and practicing mindfulness 
  16. Writing on my blog continuously since 2009 (Still doing this)
  17. Writing continuously on The Team TLC Blog (Still doing this)
  18. Encouraging Lillian to become more independent 
  19. Learning about and practicing unconditional love
  20. Becoming more and more peaceful
  21. Not using the microwave for about 6 or 7 years now (Still not using)
  22. Getting rid of TV in 2008 (Still don’t have one)
  23. Not using the dishwasher (Now that we have a new, energy efficient dishwasher, I am using that again)
  24. Simplifying and decluttering
  25. Learning the art of detachment
  26. Becoming Reiki certified
  27. Walking into my shadows and darkness
  28. Learning and practicing the art of emotional connection
  29. Becoming more in tune with my intuition
  30. Journal writing for however long I’ve been doing it (I’ve slacked off for 2020, but will resume this soon)
  31. Discovering the Wild Woman Within Me
  32. Learning to trust myself
  33. Forgiving myself and others
  34. Working at releasing shame and guilt
  35. Learning about and practicing detachment
  36. Letting go of materialism
  37. Teaching Thomas and Lillian about real food
  38. Teaching T & L about mindfulness and emotional connection
  39. Teaching T & L about spirituality
  40. Having a once a month date day with T & L since they were toddlers (Still doing this)
  41. Having our movie night tradition one night per week since Lillian was born (Still doing this)
  42. Reading together … although Thomas has moved away from being involved. We stayed strong at doing it together for 12 years!
  43. Instilling a love of books and reading to T & L
  44. Mentoring and modeling for them respect for all humans – no matter there race, religion, financial status … 
  45. Instilling a love of nature for T & L
  46. Teaching T & L about the ego and psyche as opposed to our true self, divine self
  47. Learning to feel the energy within
  48. Learning about stillness and silence
  49. Taking T & L to the conference every summer (Still doing this – 2020 Conference was cancelled due to COVID)
  50. Letting my light shine more and more …

(I recently changed the hosting company for this website, along with all other websites I manage. In the aftermath, my draft posts got deleted. Oh no! Fortunately, they were in the back up and could be reinstalled. However, the original draft dates were deleted. I’m taking that as a sign that it’s time to do cleanup and housekeeping.)


See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!

“Words of Alchemy”, published December 2019, is a free-verse poetry memoir covering the last 6 years of my life. The poetry of nature, the poetry of healing, the poetry of appreciation, the poetry of love, in one beautiful book.

Amazing news! My 18 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” was published January 2018. Learn more and order here

Wonderfully exciting news! My 14 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.

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