The Number 18
Today is your 18th Birthday.
Lillian Paige Darnell is 18 years old today.I can still see you in my mind’s eye
as a wee lil 4 pound sweetheart
as I wondered and dreamed
about your journey to adulthood.Wow! Did we take giant
twist and turns,
paths less traveled.Little did I know as I snuggled
you close, sang to you (sorry about that),
and read, read, read to you;
that the number 18 would come
to be a powerful number for you,
for us, in more ways than we could imagine.When you were 3 years old,
As we sat eating dinner,
As the phone rang,
As the pediatrician delivered
news – 18p- she said,
missing the short arm of
chromosome 18, she said –
that rendered me speechless,
with tears sliding down my face
into a dinner I could no longer eat.Little did I know at the time
that this was not the horrible
news I assumed it to be.Oh yes. Life changing, for sure.
Yet, not in the way my mind
led me to believe in those first few weeks.There is no way on this Earth
I could have foreseen how
life changing this would be for me.Life changing for me so as to
let you be who you came here to be.
For that to happen unconditionally
and organically, I had much learning to do.Not just learning about genetics,
chromosomes, DNA,
and the effects of deletions of genes.
That was the small stuff compared to
the enormity of the path that lie ahead.As you step into adulthood on this day
It is my deepest hope that
I have made more decisions for
the highest good, than not.It is my deepest hope that the times when I have
remembered to share and be unconditional love
stand out and far outweigh the times when
I have not been at my best.May the wishes you wish come true.
May the dreams you dream become reality.
May the sunshine light your way ever more.
May the moon teach you it’s secrets.
May the birdsong always sing sweet melodies to your heart.May you step into adulthood
with iridescent rose gold fairy
wings of the highest and brightest
as you take flight on the next
greatest adventure of your life.I love you
I honor you
I respect you
I am grateful for all that you
have taught and continue to teach me.You are You
And You Are Perfect!Love,
Lillian put together 18 wishes for her 18th birthday; which she shared in the live facebook celebration.
Here they are ….
1. I wish Macy, Lauren, Kaitlin Baker, and Rebecca could come to Reno, NV.
2. I wish to be able to drink out of a cup/glass without a straw.
3. I wish to be fearless.
4. I wish for infinity art and crafts supplies.
5. I wish for infinity clothing.
6. I wish to be able to travel around the world with my friends and/or by myself.
7. I wish for the Earth to be healthy again.
8. I wish for the Earth not to die.
9. I wish to be less picky.
10. I wish to live with my friends.
11. I wish to be less vulnerable to spicy hot stuff.
12. I wish to have a dream home.
13. I wish to have a dream vehicle.
14. I wish to see Hawaii.
15. I wish to go to Florida.
16. I wish to have infinity photography supplies.
17. I wish to have more friends.
18. I wish to have two beds.
We celebrated all week as Lillian had a long list of things she wanted to do. It was a full week of shopping for new fairy wings, going for walks in her favorite places, going swimming, eating fries and desert at her favorite place, having dinner with The Romano Duo (grandparents), and ending with a live facebook celebration.
See It. Share It. BE IT … Spread Love Everywhere You Go!
Coming Soon!! “Words of Alchemy” is the latest book coming to life! Coming Fall 2019.
Amazing news! My 17 year old daughter, Lillian Darnell’s debut book, “Where Would You Fly and Other Magical Stories” was published January 2018. Learn more and order here.
Wonderfully exciting news! My 13 year old son, Thomas Darnell‘s book, Biggest Little Photographer is published. Be inspired! Learn more and order here.
Happy birthday to your lovely daughter.
PS: I love her wish list!
Thank you so very much Stacy! I love her wish list too! Sending you loads of blessings … 🙂 🙂