Gift Ideas from Nature – More Rocks

A dear friend severely injured her back several months ago which led to emergency surgery. I wanted to give her a little something to enjoy during her recovery that would also be inspiring once her back was healed. This is what I came up with …. a lovely bag of ROCKS! That’s me! I love creating gifts with inspiring gifts from nature.

For about a week I collected just the right mix of rocks as I was on my 45 minute walk. Tapping into my inner artist, I wrote a word on each rock and drew a heart or sun on the back of each one. Then, I created a HappYness Treasure Map™ to accompany the beautiful bag of rocks!

HappYness Treasure Map ™
+ One Bag of Inspirational Rocks

Ingredients: One bag of Inspiring Rocks to guide you in feeling good, inspire you and to make part of your daily adventure. One HappYness Treasure Map.

Dosage: Remove one rock from bag daily.

Side Effects: Good feelings, creativity, acceptance, HappYness and inspiration

Instructions: Each morning slide your hand into your bag, shift the rocks around in your fingers until you find just the right one, and pull it from your bag. The following are some suggestions to go along with the phrase on your chosen rock. Continue choosing a rock every day until your bag is empty. Put them all back in and start again! Have FUN!


Acceptance – Is there something that is causing you disharmony due to not wanting to accept?

Morning thoughts: I have no control over other people or how events play(ed) out. I accept this and make peace with it. I accept myself just as I am. I am loving, kind and wonderful. Change wording to suit you.
Evening thoughts: I am grateful to have reached acceptance of _______________.

Attention – Be clear about what you are giving your attention. Does it relate to your intentions for your life, for the week, or for the day? Bring your attention back to your intention.

Be Flexible – Use today as a reminder to be flexible …. At least once during the day sing this little song to yourself,

“Row, row, row YOUR boat,
GENTLY down the stream,
Life is but a DREAM.”
Row your own boat, be HappY and create your dream!

Faith – Remind yourself throughout the day to have faith in yourself.

Forgiveness – Today is the day to forgive yourself and anyone else. Write a letter to yourself or someone else detailing what you are forgiving yourself or that person for … No need to give it to anyone. Just write it and reach the place of forgiveness within yourself.

Gratitude – Make today about being thankful. Take as many opportunities as possible to express silently or out loud your gratitude.

Intention – Review your intentions. What are your intentions for your life, this year, this week or this day. Have you taken a detour? If so, either make peace with the detour or get back on your path.

Intuitive – Be sure to check with your intuition today on your decision making. Trust yourself.

Kindness – Make today about spreading kindness to yourself and those you encounter. Could be with a smile, a hug or even a silent blessing for the person.

Laugh – It’s good medicine and good for the soul. LAUGH a lot today!

Love – Do everything you do today full of love from your innermost self.

Purpose – What is your purpose? What do you feel you are supposed to accomplish during your life? It’s okay not to know. Just ponder it …

Release – Today is the day to release any guilt, judgments, hurt, or any other negative feelings. Be one with the feeling, embrace it, then release it.

Self Love – Do something kind for yourself today. Nurture yourself. What makes your heart sing? A walk outside, reading a good book, enjoying a divine meal, doing absolutely nothing … do IT.

Well Being – Focus on your well being. Know that you have well being within you.

Morning thoughts: I am an instrument of well being.
Evening thoughts: I am grateful for my well being.


Thomas and Lillian made my friend a little something also. Homemade cards using some sort of paper that an artist friend gave to us when she moved out of the area.

This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.

I enjoy taking the time to share information with y’all that I think is helpful and give you ideas to live an Inspired Life. So, if you feel this helped you in any way, toss a tip into the tip bowl on the way out of Inspired Living.

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