Happiness is . . .

Happiness for me is snuggling beside Thomas and talking with him or reading a book with him. Happiness is when he asks to give me a hug and tells me “thank you” for making it better. Happiness is experiencing his excitement and his sense of wonder and awe. Happiness is holding his hand in mine. Happiness is dancing with him. Happiness is over hearing him repeat my shared “words of wisdom” when I least expect it.

Happiness for me is Lillian’s beautiful warm sparkly smile. Happiness is when she exudes pride in her accomplishments. Happiness is touching her beautiful hair. Happiness is sitting next to her and reading. Happiness is her excitement when I pull myself away from the computer and focus on an activity with her. Happiness is her love of books and the library. Happiness is her concern and empathy for others.

Happiness for me is our traditional Team TLC Saturday movie night. Happiness is when Thomas and Lillian show their love for one another. Happiness is seeing Thomas helping Lillian. Happiness is watching the two of them play together. Happiness is a quiet moment with my kids. Happiness is the Team TLC adventures we experience. Happiness is taking pictures of my kids. Happiness is spending time with my Mama and step-father, Frank. Happiness is a warm, hardy, loving hug from a friend. Happiness is spending time with my friends.

Happiness for me is quiet alone time. Happiness is reading my favorite book. Happiness is feeling the sun drench my body in warmth. Happiness is gazing at the moon and stars. Happiness is feeling a light breeze brush across my cheeks. Happiness is nature, the landscape and the peaceful sense of awe I receive from it. Happiness is my comfy slippers. Happiness is making an anonymous kind gesture. Happiness is smiling at others. Happiness is taking pictures of nature. Happiness is the smell of bacon frying in the morning. Happiness is dark chocolate. Happiness is indulging in my favorite foods. Happiness is a good homemade Bloody Mary. Happiness is a taste bud pleasing dark lager. Happiness is a warm, crackling, cozy fire. Happiness is a balmy sandy beach. Happiness is the memory of both my Mammaws, Elnor Downs and Estelle Mann. Happiness is writing. Happiness is sharing my life with others. Happiness is inspiring others.

What is happiness for you? Why not make your own Happiness List . . . it’s good for the soul . . .

This article is now part of my inventory in Inspired Living.  

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